The golden rule is great and the word gets around. Reputation and quality go a long way. Funny thing about rural areas is they are sometimes not internet backwards as many people think. A few years back Best Buy's number one computer sales store was in Little Rock Arkansas. Farmers from all around would come into town and buy computers. Small internet sites can tell people you exist and how to find you. The yellow pages has all but disappeared in some places. Talking on forums helps too. I have had people come to our center by reading this forum.
This brings up some interesting thoughts. In JohnP's case the internet dealers most likely do not bother him, his shop and center. At what point does the internet dealer really become a factor on business? How many balls do they actually cost a pro shop a year? What kind of shops do they effect? And JohnP's golden rule counters some of the internet by great customer service.
Not everybody in the Pro Shop business is interested in being the next Macy's or big online dealer. I do think that even doing little things like treating the customer right, a small website or some way of getting the word out about your shop and thinking ways to let people know about you outside the four walls of the shop really helps.
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