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Author Topic: Championship Roll-Off Question!!!  (Read 989 times)


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Championship Roll-Off Question!!!
« on: April 29, 2009, 02:32:05 AM »
I wanted to get an opinion about a Championship roll-off situation we were just in.  Heres the facts..There are 4 teams that are bowling for the championship. No seeding of any kind All 4 being equal. Total points at end of night wins. There are 3 pairs of lanes. the line pairing was 1 & 2 on pair A, 3&4 on pair B. then the next game 1&4 on pair A, 4&2 on pair C. Next game 1&3 on pair B, 2&4 on pair C. Basically each team got to bowl on the same pair 2 times except 1 team (4). Also 2 teams never bowled on all 3 pairs of lanes.

I was unclear as to the USBC's rules on fairness in the roll-off. I did contact them to clarify this.  Keep in mind that there is no league rules to govern this at all.

What do you think? Is this a breach of a USBC rule or just plain unfair??

B.I.G. Don''t pretend that it''s not.



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Re: Championship Roll-Off Question!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 10:46:17 AM »
Doesn't really matter what the USBC rules say on this if this is what the league had set up for their roll-off situation.  USBC rules are just guidelines and League rules take precedence over the USBC rules. Not to mention with 4 teams tieing there's really no perfectly "fair" way to go about determining the championship.  Because if you just go one match each, and winners face each other for the title one could argue that one team got a better match up.

Edited on 4/29/2009 10:47 AM


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Re: Championship Roll-Off Question!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 10:59:34 AM »
Thing is that it was not SET-UP in any way. The secretary just did it that night. Without discussing with the roll-off teams.
B.I.G. Don't pretend that it's not.


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Re: Championship Roll-Off Question!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 11:32:59 AM »
If the lanes were all dressed the same, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.  Within reason, teams and lanes were mixed up as much as practical.  If no one could gain any separation after 90+ games, you get what you get.  If this was a roll off between 4 quarterly champions, there certainly should have been a roll off system already in place at the beginning of the league.
Telling it like it is.