I do not know how you can bowl in league or a tournament and NOT know what your score, string, possible total and how that affects the team and its chance of winning!
At the very least, wouldn't you analyze your shots, learning from them if they are flush, light, high or whatever?
quote]I had some dude get all bent out of shape at me because he had the front seven during league and I had the nerve to speak to him.[/quote]I prefer people to not tell me how many strikes I have going in a string. I bowl better when I don't know. I particularly dislike when the house goes quiet and only then does it dawn on me that I have a long string going. More often then not in either case I end up psyching myself out and leaving a ten pin (or worse). But hey, I don't go ballistic either, just kick myself and vow to work on my mental game.[/quote]
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.