Well, I wish I could say that I'm a talented athlete, but I'm not.
I think I may have the ability to do things slightly "better than average," but I also have something that prevents me from reaching the next level. I don't know whether I become bored, lack focus or drive, or something else.
I was the same way when I played pool. I was better than average, but couldn't break to the next level. I hated to practice. I knew what needed to be done to make shots, but didn't/couldn't execute. Playing by feel was better for me, but after studying (and playing with better players) I basically reached the wall.
Maybe you're right and I start to overanalyze.
I've never finished a season with higher than a 170 average - although I carried a 192 average for about 11 weeks until the center changed lane surfaces (and oil) and I started switching balls to find something that worked. Never really stopped switching after that!
I attribute my low average to having a low strike percentage and poor spare shooting. I also think that I had a false sense of a "good" pocket hit - being between the 1-3 instead of needing to hit slightly more of the 1. The spare shooting is strictly my fault and a lack of discipline with practice.
As far as the balls, I just looked at them as a challenge. Since my pro shop never made an effort to find my PAP or learn anything about my game, my drillings were basically "make or hook," or "drill it and I'll see what it does." I took that as a challenge to figure out how to get the ball to the pocket. I've found that just about every ball will work if you throw it right.
I bowled (subbed) a couple of weeks in a sports league and averaged the same as a regular league. Several weeks I purposely threw brooklyn because that was the only way I could get consistent pinfall. I felt bad doing it, like people thought I was getting lucky with the strikes, but it really was the only consistent shot that I could make.
I've made a couple of videos of myself - posted a few on here several years ago. My form is horrible

. My timing is off, my knee bend is non-existant, etc.
That goes into the ever changing part of my "style." Messed me up pretty bad for a while. Every time I picked up a ball I heard those comments.
At some point I decided I wasn't happy with the way I was throwing the ball and needed to change. More speed, more revs, more angle. Had I known that I wasn't getting the carry because I wasn't hitting the right spot, I probably would be much better off. But again, I decided to tamper with my style and start changing things. Keep in mind that I never just changed 1 thing - it was always 2 or more things at the same time......hey, I'm no scientist!
I'm not trying to be an elite bowler, I just want to be the best that I can - if that's at a higher level, that's great. Since I haven't been practicing, and since I've tried to limit the number of balls that I use, I really don't have a clue what my ball is going to do. Of course it doesn't help that I'm so inconsistent with my release that I'm all over the lanes.
It sucks coming here and reading about how easy this game is and how people should easily be averaging 200 on today's conditions.
If I start from scratch, how should I start? Should I use an existing ball and go from there - clear my mind of any pre-existing notions of how to strike?
Should I drill a new ball? What type of ball and how to drill it?
Should I take existing balls and just throw them "normally"? Adjust the surface or drillings from what I see?
Right now I'm just frustrated. I feel like I'm worse than a new bowler. At least a new bowler will work on just getting one thing down - timing, release, hitting a mark, or whatever. I've been playing around for so long that I'm all messed up in the head and can't get any of it right.
I would be happy if I could just hit the same mark every time I throw the bowl.
I realize that the main answer is probably going to be that I need to practice. At this point I need to get that muscle memory going. I've realized that people can bowl well regardless of how bad their form is - my league has lots!
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