I'm considering possibly a change in how I attack the lanes, and was wondering how many of you have tried this, and what problems I may need to watch out for. First off, I usually throw around 17 mph., although I can lower that when I need to, not to great at increasing my speed as well. My rpm is 270 on CATS, and my PAP is 2 1/2 over and a 1/2 down, so my track is kind of on the low side. Currently, my "A" game is standing 23-27, hitting 12-15 at the arrows, maybe out to 8 or 10. I seem to have more problems with the ball not reacting enough, and having carry trouble (don't we all at times?). I'm thinking about moving to the far outside, and going up 5 board, or even possibly outside 1st arrow, and trying to use more of the dry on the outside of the lane. My theory is (having not practiced this yet), let the ball roll up the outside of the lane, and then grab on the backend into the pocket with more entry angle than I'm getting now, if it overreacts, either go to something less aggressive, or move in slightly and use the gutter line as my guide for where to keep it inside of. It will be fun to try anyway, even if it doesn't work out, just wanted some of your thoughts on it. Thanks everyone.
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