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Author Topic: Attacking the Viper Patterns  (Read 9528 times)

Spider Ball Bowler

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Attacking the Viper Patterns
« on: December 20, 2008, 10:33:26 AM »
Just curious how you guys and girls attack the Viper pattern?

Do you find success playing straight, or swinging?

What type of equipment?  Solids?  Pearls? Polished solids?

Thanks for any information!
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Re: Attacking the Viper Patterns
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2008, 09:49:47 PM »
Now that you mention volume, Jess, I've got a question.  On the Viper, with my 4000 Abralon Counter Strike, I found the most success going almost straight up 5.  Just about anything else hooked early or didn't hook up.  This is in my PBAX league.  Surface is pro anvilane.  Now we're on the Scorpion, and something I can't figure out is playing the same line the ball goes through the nose.  I've found decent success with my Rival at 2000 Abralon about 12 out to 8 but nothing special.  I just don't understand why it plays the way it does compared to their Viper.  If it matters, I don't know the oil machine but it's one of those that goes from lane to lane by itself apparently, if that helps.

I'm really not the best go-to person for lane play, because I'm not a really great bowler. I figure what works for me and what works for you are liable to be very different (although our stats, looking at your profile, do seem to be pretty close).

I don't know why Scorpion would check up for you sooner, considering it's a longer pattern with more volume. Scorpion for me was always to take one of the strongest balls I had, go straight up somewhere between 10 and 13, and wait for the thing to start breaking down a little.

What might be happening is your ball may actually be burning up on Viper and it just looks like it doesn't have enough to turn the corner. Just for the heck of it, take some medium and weak stuff out there with you the next time you're on Viper and see what happens.



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Re: Attacking the Viper Patterns
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2008, 11:51:43 PM »
Well I can tell you this.  My Counter Strike on the Viper, if I played any sort of swing line out to 5 other than the line I was describing, it had no chance of making it back.  The line I was playing, the ball had a ton of energy going into the pocket and if I were to migrate in the ball would just want to hook early.  I shot 278 one game with 11 in a row playing that line.  On Scorpion, the ball hooks a little earlier for some reason, making the ball go through the nose.  Both my Rival and CS do this.  It's weird to say the least.  You would figure the way it's playing, I could move to about 18 throw to 7 breakpoint of about 5 and find something around there with either ball.  Problem is over/under, I'll get one board of play.  I'm feeling kinda adventurous, I might even try to say out around 15 with a breakpoint of 3 or so.  You know, they say a breakpoint more inside usually works on longer patterns.  This is showing to be true here, but I'm swinging from about 13 to 9 when I'd expect to play straight up 9-10 due to more volume and length.  When there's any sort of transition my CS is probably the worst ball in my hand since that ball straightens out at 20 feet when that happens, pretty strange.  I bet you I could take my Avalanche drilled 2 1/2" and throw it up 5-7.  I think I'm going to try it and if that overhooks, something is wrong.


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Re: Attacking the Viper Patterns
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2008, 01:59:32 AM »
Suggestion -- Next time you try it, try it up 10 with something with a little polish on it or not drilled to roll as early as a Rico drill.

Jess, I can try that as I should be facing the Viper pattern twice more.  I also have a Dark Thunder, so I could polish that up.  What kind of finish do you think you ended up with on yours?  I mean, was it a high gloss?  I do have Resurrection, Bean's Sauce, and some other polishes available.


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Re: Attacking the Viper Patterns
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2008, 02:03:20 AM »
44ft house shot?

Yeah, probably why my Immortal Solid Rico does well for me.

It used to be 41 or 42 ft but they lengthened it because of complaints by other bowlers that the great wall was breaking down too quickly (or so I heard).  


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Re: Attacking the Viper Patterns
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2008, 09:39:07 AM »
Suggestion -- Next time you try it, try it up 10 with something with a little polish on it or not drilled to roll as early as a Rico drill.

Jess, I can try that as I should be facing the Viper pattern twice more.  I also have a Dark Thunder, so I could polish that up.  What kind of finish do you think you ended up with on yours?  I mean, was it a high gloss?  I do have Resurrection, Bean's Sauce, and some other polishes available.


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This was prior to the time I started drilling my own stuff, so I can't tell you what polish the pro shop used. I do know the pro shop was a Columbia (pre-Ebonite buyout) shop, and was stocked well with Track and Powerhouse polishes. We took the box grit (800?) and polished it not to a gemstone finish, but it was definitely smooth and had a sheen to it. I'd say it was probably Track Clean and Polish that was used.

The drill on this ball was 4x4, pin over ring.
