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Author Topic: changing drillers  (Read 734 times)


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changing drillers
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:38:12 AM »
I love my old driller as a person but I found a new guy that has really helped me.  I feel bad for changing drillers but what do you do when you find a better on.  My wife said I'm wrong but I need better work and now im getting it.  Have any of you guys ran in to this before?
Ok trying to get better

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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 04:48:53 PM »
Yes, I switched for the same reason you did. If your old driller is a good friend, then he should understand that you feel more comfortable getting your stuff drilled from another person who you feel does a better job. No need to feel guilty, I mean, why pay for something that doesn't feel right?
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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 07:20:30 PM »
I did the switch and it has worked out good for me. I've been able to maintain the relationship with my old driller and still bowl on one of his teams, he was upset for a while but I explained my reasoning and things have ironed out and we are back to getting along just fine. I did feel somewhat guilty but it was in my best interest and it needed to be done.
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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2008, 09:17:17 PM »
gbrown, like the old saying, business is business. I switched from the guy who drilled my equipment since ball one. I had a hard time switching to someone else, but I got tired of the same drillings and no imagination on different drillings. I found someone who drilled balls that fit to my game (high rev player) and my game has gotten better.

Don't feel bad about it. If you find someone who does a better job, then you have to move on.

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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2008, 11:43:58 AM »
It seems from my experience that drillers usually like to drill equipment certain ways.  i can pretty much go in my closet and pick up a ball and know who drilled it by looking at the drilling.

I think it is good to get a different ideas.

Big key is getting somebody that knows what they are doing.  

good luck
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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2008, 01:07:11 PM »
I have had 7 different drillers and don't feel sorry for changing from any of them.
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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2008, 03:28:18 PM »
I had a driller that went through and worked with a test ball with me got my pitches correct span and all that but he could not get my thumb perfect, he also was a smaller shop who carried very little. I went to another proshop for some polish (found me some secret sauce) but what I seen was a purple sumo and a purple rhino pro as well as knowledge of where they can get me more old stuff including a nail, red pearl hammer among others which appeal to me. So I said heck mine as well get the rhino and sumo as Ive been wanting them got them drilled and thumb was consistant and dead on. I also have a WMB and awesome flip that I bought off here that I will be giving them to drill up as well as ordering the nail and red pearl hammer through them. As happy as I am I still feel bad. Lastly the larger shop has wonderful prices as well as a selection. They have a toxic and doom for 115 and 125 both drilled up 1st quality which I will probably also pick up for the fun of it.

Mike Austin

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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2008, 11:06:20 PM »
My wife and I have a bit of a different problem. We have switched drillers and want to switch back. Did we offend the first driller? well it be the same if we go back?
we are both good bowlers and have sent lots of business to both pro shops. Can we go back with no hard feelings?

If your drillers are truly professionals they should understand, it's business, that's why they charge you for services rendered.  If you like the work of the first guy, that is your money that you are spending, if driller number two doesn't like it, who cares?  He should have done a better job, or had better prices, more selection, better hours, better location, whatever it is that is making you want to switch back.  Business is business.  Bowling is such a friendly sport, a small community, it is sometimes hard to separate the two.

My main competition when I had my shop in Houston was Gary James.  So many people complained that Gary was a jerk.  I love Gary, we are great friends.  He ran his shop like a business, and kept things separate like that.  I really respect that about him.  He was NOT in any way a jerk, he just was very business-like.  He had much more financial pressure on him for a lot of years, he kept his business a business.  I have sent many people to Gary, he does great work!
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Re: changing drillers
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2008, 12:35:08 PM »
Switching drillers should be no big deal.  Sometimes you need to step you game up a bit and a fresh driller with different ideas might be able to do that. Just do not sacrifice fit for a different layout. Many drillers in my area do not stock or sell Thoms Thumb, Switch Grip, Vise IT or other various styles of finger inserts.  One shop only stocks urethane thumb slugs.  So if you want to try something different and you current shop can not provide that service, then by all means go elsewhere.