As some may know (I go on about it a lot) Ive been having some coaching in recent months.
Over the last few weeks its really beginning to start paying off.
My Monday scratch league is a 4 game match with 4 people on a pair. After about 3 games lanes change and after 5-6 we really have some fun.
Last week I shot my first 800, an 826. This week 771 first set and i had a back match. Started 201,199. Then the lanes got really squirrly. Snapping sharp and hanging out you know. I was on 139 going into the 10th on an open.
I thought because Ive just learned how to rev a ball Id sussed out how to score and now I was having difficulty because of this.
What to do? I though of you guys and when you say about sometimes less is more.
So I changed my release from about a 3:30 to a 5:00 release. Pretty much up the back of the ball.
I still had quite a bit of hook, but Id reduced the snap at the end. Id also gone from a 1 1/2 board area to about a 2 1/2 board area of error.
My accuracy jumped too. I finished the 3rd game with a turkey and shot a 237 in the last to give me my second 800 in 2 weeks. My average for the 3 matches was 200, no mean feat for me a 178 av bowler.
It just goes to show what a good coach and knowledgable friends can do for someones game.Got to keep it up now I know.
Also when the lanes get dry and snappy dont be affraid to experiment with your release it may pay off like it did for me and add another string to your bow.
Thanks ya' all.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK
Did someone say tough luck