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Author Topic: Changing Surfaces  (Read 876 times)


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Changing Surfaces
« on: August 05, 2008, 10:13:59 AM »
I was reading how to resurface a ball on Buddies web site and it appears that they only tell you how to turn/flip the ball to do 4 sides of the ball, when I thought there were 6 sides. Am I mistaken here or is the way they describe it the correct way? Here's a link:

If there's more turning/flipping needed please let me know because I want to make surface changes to my Twisted Fury.



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Re: Changing Surfaces
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 06:18:45 PM »
4 sides work 6 sides is better, go down to 360 and back up to whatever you want

Edited on 8/5/2008 6:19 PM


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Re: Changing Surfaces
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 06:34:44 PM »
The way it's described in that FAQ makes it seem like 6 sides aren't necessary, at least to keep the ball round, but it seems to help modify reaction I suppose.  It's kinda hard to picture how you would position the ball to sand perpendicular and parallel to the track though.

And just to change the surface you don't have to start down at 180/220/360 or whatever and work your way up until you reach the finish your want, that's just for resurfacing right?

On edit, I just thought of a way to do 6 sides.  Someone clarify for me if this is wrong.  Start with holes up, flip to holes down, rotate so that you only see the thumb, flip so you only see the fingers.  That's how I would have done the 4 sides, but I just thought of doing the other two sides so that you can only see one finger and half the thumb(theoritically, if the thumb was aligned with the bridge), then flip so you only see the other finger and other half of the thumb.  Hopefully I explained it well enough to understand.  Does that work?

Edited on 8/5/2008 6:50 PM


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Re: Changing Surfaces
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 04:58:49 AM »
I only do 4 sides most of the time. Haven't noticed any ill effects, but then again I might not reconize them if there were. Put your track parallel to the rim of the ball cup to sand with the track and perpendicular to sand against it. About taking the surface down, If you have had the ball since it was new and know what you've done to it you don't have to take the ball down any farther than the lowest grit you've used on it. But if it's a used ball it's a good idea to it down low and bring it back up if you want a true surface grit. Also, I bought a magnifying glass to really get a good look at the surface.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.

Edited on 8/6/2008 5:07 AM