Jag, Joe loves to use bold letters in most of his post...So I wanted him to feel right at home...
Posting that balls have gone up $20 leads consumers to believe that the ball companies are jacking up prices...
That just ain't so...Even Ebonite's new release next month, has not gone up in price...
What has gone up are the prices of Joe's Online dealers...
So it would be nice and HONEST of him to address them when talking about price increases and his options being taken away...
Now $40 to $50 to fit and layout and drill a blank ball is a fair price...$80 is a bit high... I don't know of a single shop in my area charging that much... I believe $65 is the highest I have seen...
One of the big concerns of both Ebonite and Storm is, who is drilling their balls for consumers... In many cases "hole pounders" are... Now the term "hole pounders" pertains to any one who just pounds 3 holes in a ball... Whether it be a pro shop or a basement/garage driller...
Their logic is that if the ball is laid out wrong, it will not perform, and then their brand gets a black eye...
In another post a few days ago, one that now seems deleted... Joe posted about how he was not impressed with the Taboo... Since 6 guys in his league could not get threw 3 games with the ball...
Now to me that is either just plain stupid talk or someone is ignorant to fact of how and when to use a Taboo...
If you want to go swimming in Jan... you don't go on vacation in Alaska... If you want to go snow skiing, you don't go to Florida... It's called commonsense...
A Taboo is a heavy oil ball, and should be used on that shot, especially in the oob finish. For someone to post negative about the Taboo not working for 3 games shows me one of two things... He is either BIAS or just ignorant on the proper use of said ball... Or BOTH...
And once again, Ebonite has not raise any prices since Nov. 1st 2010...Yet the cost of many items we use daily have gone up... Like gas for our cars...
Now some people feel that a pro shop is important... Making $50-$75 on a ball that cost you about $132 is not "raping" anyone...But some people don't care about getting their balls properly fitted and laid out and drilled... They only care about the cost...and when they can get a hole pounder to drill the ball for $25 with inserts, slugs lunch and a car wash, that's all they care about ...
Some guy named Gunny bragged about how he is a basement/garage ball driller...and his cost was $25...And he thought pro shops are ripping people off charging them $50...
So I and a few others pointed out that pro shops have overhead and PAY TAXES...And then Gunny put me on his CHILDISH iggy list... Cause he didn't want to deal with the truth...
Real bowlers don't sweat nickles and dimes... wan a bees do
have a great day Jag...
Go Bears
Edited by jls on 1/22/2011 at 11:00 AM