People love the no-tap leagues just for the fun aspect of it and getting to see the higher scores up on the monitors.
I don't get it. I mean I
REALLY don't get that. Never have, never will. 9= a strike? Why stop at 9? Why not make it 8, or 7? Heck, lets make it 5= a strike, that way everybody can lie to themselves about it.
People love to revel in their lack of actual talent, and look up at the scores and be happy with a fake score that was basically just handed to them? To me, that is the height of ridiculousness.
It's like giving kids a trophy for just showing up. Oh wait, they do that now, don't they? Doesn't matter if they can actually play the sport, just show up and everybody gets an award. Just great.

Why not just sit and drink beer and make believe you bowled, then lie to each other about what scores you just thought up in your head? What's the difference? You were already lying to yourself about it. Just change it from no tap to no throw, and you can sit around and flip a coin to see whether you struck or not. Heads you strike, tails you don't, and all non strikes are 9/. When you get too drunk to flip the coin anymore, you stop and everybody gets strikes from there on out.
No tap bowling. I cannot begin to describe my feelings about it. If from this post, you think you begin to detect that I have a dislike for no tap "bowling", then multiply your suspicions by a factor of 1,000,000, and you might be close.
" No tap bowling" is like those other phrases that just don't go together, like "military intelligence" or "jumbo shrimp".