My son developed the two-handed style naturally. I had never seen it before, but it seemed quite natural and fluid for him, so I never tried to change it at all. We used to go bowling together ( when he was 8-10 yrs old ) and all he could throw were the house balls ( before I got him his own ball ).
He wanted to hook it, so was trying to put as much rotation on the ball as possible. Soon, he was hooking those plastic houseballs as much as I was hooking my "good" ball. I bought him a Columbia Scout reactive and OMG could he hook that thing and DESTROY racks! It was awesome.
Sadly, he is one of the younger generation that has too many other things to do and I could never get him seriously interested in bowling full time. We still go together occasionally ( he's 19 now ), he still uses two hands ( quite fluidly), and will beat my 220 averaging butt if I don't stay on top of things.
He bowls once in a blue moon and can still average around 200 with this style, when he's trying. If he gets lined up, LOOK OUT!
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