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Author Topic: illegally drilled bowling balls  (Read 18339 times)


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illegally drilled bowling balls
« on: January 27, 2009, 12:37:15 PM »
first off, im not gonna drill a ball illegally if thats what anyone was thinking b/c thats just plain wrong

my real question is how is this done and what type of reaction does this do to a ball when it is thrown? Also, is it visible to see during a match if someone is using an illegally drilled ball?
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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 08:44:00 PM »
This can be accomplished with a CG outside the palm with no weight hole or a weight hole well beyond what is needed. This will put the weight measurements outside the legal limits. Those would be(i believe) 1oz finger or thumb weight, and .5oz side or top bottom. Being just outside of the limits will not really show anything. My pro once, just to see what would happen, put 3oz of side weight on a ball. You could see it flipping like a lopsided ball. That thing got an insane flip on the backend. The best way to tell if some one is using illegal equipment is to look for strange drillings and if you are really concerned you can talk to the league president or tournament director and have them weigh it out.
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Mike Austin

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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 08:55:57 PM »
I bowled against a guy in a scratch league one night.  He was a very part timer, extra member, bowled 6-8 weeks all season.  One of those nights he was bowling my team.  He had a ball, with the pin and cg over the fingers, like 1" over the fingers, no extra hole.  He was scoring pretty well, above his talent well.  But, we were winning the games, it was team points, so I didn't say anything.

He gets this ball damaged in the machine, and it was in the center where I had my shop.  So he fills out the Ball Damage Report and leaves the ball with me to repair a gash in the ball, no big deal.  Next day out of curiousity, I weighed the ball out, sure enough had 3oz of finger weight.  

We had 60 feet of Guardian at that time, and I just thought, man his ball is clean down the lane, all night long.  He MIGHT have had an advantage, but I doubt it.  Don't know if I saw him ever again, don't remember his name now either.  All I remember is he was about 50ish and right handed.  

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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 06:16:48 AM »
Positive/negative static weights are limited to 1 oz that is both finger/thumb and side weights.

I beleive you are allowed up to 3 oz. of top/bottom weight.

There is no way to just look at a ball an know. The ball would need to be balanced on a scale for certainity.

Assuming the ball markings are correct and the amount of starting top weight you can suspect that a ball is over on balance but it is a guess.

As stated most illegal drills are for excessive static weights where the drilling is well off the label and no balance hole is made.

At the USBC nationals each year 10 to 15 percent of the balls are rejected due to static rules violation.


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2009, 06:45:50 AM »
We had a lefty that when his ball hit the pins, it was like John Gant threw it, unfortunately, he had about 10 revs on the ball. From the way it wobbled down the lane, it had to have a ton of topweight in it, the drill itself did not look overly different. But it definitely was not rolling normally.

I asked him who drilled his stuff because I wanted a ball that hit like that. A few more guys started to take note and a few frames later he put it away. I guess he knew that the secret was out.

We had a guy named Duke back in the 80's who was notorious for bringing illegally weighted stuff to tournaments. His stuff would corner on 55 feet of oil and everyone would be scratching their heads. Unfortunately he never was good enough to take advantage.

If you see the ball's pin or CG in odd places without deeply drilled finger holes or a weight hole somewhere and the ball looks to be doing something that no one else's does, there is reason to be curious.
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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2009, 11:12:18 AM »
I use to bowl with an older guy that would put lead in his finger holes. We always wondered why the ball would go so long then flip so hard. By the way it was a blue dot. This was i the early 80's.
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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2009, 11:14:34 AM »
"Back in the day"..

You could drill a hole inside the thumb hole and fill it with mercury, the cover it up with plug material and the ball would make a serious turn on the back end.

This was before dynamic cores came into being..
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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2009, 11:37:32 AM »
I drilled my new x-out Break just before going to my Saturday morning winner-take-all get together with some buds.  I didn't throw it on the scale because I was late.  I loved the reaction and took the money.  When I got home and cleaned it, I threw it on the scale.  It was a little more than a half ounce over limit on side weight...on the right side! (I'm a lefty, of course.)  I thought I must have placed the MB too close to the thumb hole.  I filled the holes and threw it on the scale to find the cg and it was mismarked, though it's likely that the filled holes had much to do with it.  Regardless, I laid the ball out again, shifting the mb to 45 degrees from my thumhole and after I drilled it up it balanced out just fine.  It didn't have quite the pop on the backend as it did when it was illegal.

And, yes...I returned the money.

( o )( o )

Edited on 1/28/2009 12:38 PM


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2009, 11:51:30 AM »
I boo that decision.

(note: I'm not a good person)


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2009, 12:00:06 PM »
I boo that decision.

(note: I'm not a good person)

It was a purely selfish decision to return the money.  I'm a lawyer, and once you get a reputation for cheating, you'll never shake it.  Got's to keep the nose clean if I'm gonna' earn the monies!

I had to do the same thing about four years ago when I first started bowling.  I was having trouble getting my ball to hook so I roughed up the surface with scotchbright...after league play started.  I won the handicap pot.  When I told my pro what I did, he informed me that it was illegal.  It was a lot harder to return the money that time because it was almost $300 bucks instead of $80.


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 12:01:24 PM »
In pot games, theres no such thing as illegal equipment lol. If the competition is unsanctioned, then unless rules say otherwise, use what ever you want.


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2009, 12:08:58 PM »
Look, if I'm hiring you as a lawyer, I want you to cheat!


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2009, 12:19:57 PM »
Look, if I'm hiring you as a lawyer, I want you to cheat!

No, you don't.  Typically the court will sanction the litigant.  If you're being sued the court may strike your defensive pleadings, meaning you'll be left to litigate damages only.  If you're the Plaintiff, the court will just dismiss your lawsuit outright.  The lawyer will also face sanctions, such as suspension or disbarment, but the client still gets pounded.


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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2009, 07:15:38 PM »
I blame the 10-15% of balls at Nationals mostly on the scales.  A ball that passes on the morning freshly calibrated scales will often not pass at night.

Has happened to me.

Illegal balls were more prevelant years ago with less dynamic coverstocks.  Changing the core was about all you COULD do to change the reaction.  Illegal balls are really hard to spot now just sitting on the rack.

*...Got the 5 out clean!

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Re: illegally drilled bowling balls
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2009, 07:37:33 PM »
I blame the 10-15% of balls at Nationals mostly on the scales. A ball that passes on the morning freshly calibrated scales will often not pass at night.

now you may be the exception to the rule on ALL the balls that fail at nationals, but i really dont think its the scales.  if you fail they always double check it on a dodo.

i think its more that some people just dont scale their balls or have their drillers scale the balls for them after the drill.  you would think that people that go to the nationals each year would demand the ball to be scaled after the drill just to make sure

now this may be a whole other topic, but you have all these balls failing each year right?  how many honor scores do you think have been thrown with all of these illegal balls??