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Author Topic: Etiquette and rules  (Read 6301 times)


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Etiquette and rules
« on: January 27, 2009, 09:12:48 AM »
I like how now adays you have to almost get in a fight if you request anything of anyone on the lanes. While practicing at a newly opened house I have people run up on me all the time while I am bowling. The couple of times I have asked nicely and tried to explain bowling courtesy the people wanted to fight me. Most of the time I don't even say anything because I don't want to have to deal with getting into an altercation.
Open play, ok somewhat understandable.. but a different house in a different city had the same thing happen to me in a league when I ask the guy to not jump up on the approach while someone was next to him. This guy really wanted to fight.  I guess he didn't like people telling him what to do.
 Also, lady called me a d*ck and a piece of sh*t because I said she got a foul when she touched the lane with her hand. At first she lied and said she didn't touch and then someone else on another pair confirmed she did and then she used the excuse that she would have fallen over if she didn't put her hand down. I tried to explain that it was still a foul and a 0 count. She continued to say things under her breath all night long when I passed her.
Have asked people to not use easy slide or powder on their feet and explained to them that it is illegal if it alters the approach in anyway for me.  I explained to them when I tested my slide foot I could tell that someone was using it before I even saw the package.  This got into a big ordeal of how they aren't able to slide how they want without it.  I continuously explained that I am sliding fine and by them using it it is making the approach unsafe for me.  Finally the league officers got involved and told them to stop using it but in a way that made it look like I was being picky and an *ss. Then I have to bowl the whole night with this guy scowling at me like I did something wrong..
oh yeah.. same exact scenario when I asked someone to change the score when the ball bounced out of the gutter.

I finally have told the officials of the league that I am just going to come to them when anything happens and they can deal with it.

sorry for the rant but anyone have a good way to handle things such as this
16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22

Edited on 1/27/2009 6:13 PM
350 RPM, 17 MPH



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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2009, 04:46:35 PM »

that is one.. two is two lanes each side.


oof.  two lanes each side?   leagues would take all friggin night then.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2009, 05:15:38 PM »
I posted a rules/conduct issue last week:

So no - you're in really good company around here.

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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2009, 07:30:52 PM »
Couple of quick stories...

1) Open bowling/people using my stuff: I was bowling IN LEAGUE one night and looked down and my spare ball was gone. I look a couple of lanes over to where some open bowlers were, a couple in their 40s and three kids under the age of about 12, and there it was. So I go over to get it and the mother says, "He's using that," pointing to her 8-year-old.

Now, this is a 16-pound GemTek ball we're talking about here, drilled fingertip with grips. But I ignore the stupidity of that comment and just say, "I know, but it's my ball -- he picked it up from our pair of lanes."

And she says: " what's the problem?"

The husband, by this time, is looking at me as if waiting to decide whether he's going to take a swing at me if I backtalk his wife. But I still said, "Well, not only was I using it already, but that is my ball -- as in, I brought it here from home. I own it. He needs to use one of the rental balls back there on that rack."

She turned and looked at the house rack bewilderedly, and I just picked up my ball and left.

2) EZ-Slide: Kids may be the "problem generation" but the worst EZ-Slide story I have concerned a woman in her 60s. I was bowling in Tennessee and this lady, every week, would pound an EZ-Slide bag against the sole of her shoe three or four times before getting up on the lane every shot. Dust would be flying around her like she'd just got gassed.

I'd already decided to say something about it the first week we bowled her team, but someone beat me to the punch, a 20-ish guy three times even my size (and I ain't small) and probably 10 times her size. He said, politely, "Ma'am, you can't use that stuff. It's not legal."

"I'll use whatever the h*ll I want to," she said. And he backed down.

A couple of weeks later, one of her own teammates slipped and busted a** on the approach and had to stay home for a couple of weeks with a wrenched back. Upon his return -- and he was the team captain, not her -- he called a league meeting to handle this. Not just a team meeting (I would have told her adios), a LEAGUE MEETING.

He said he'd tried to tell her and she'd just blow him off, so basically he got the whole league together for backup. After it was confirmed to her EZ-Slide was against the rules, she whined about not wanting to stick and how she might hurt herself. But rules are rules.

She continued to use it, but would do it behind the pit area before walking down to the approach (still illegal). A couple of weeks later, someone else busted a** on her pair. And again, she told the league officer who said something to her about it, "I will use whatever I want to." As far as I know, she's still on that league and still on that team.

And I saved the best for last: She throws the ball 6 mph and DOESN'T EVEN SLIDE.



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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2009, 08:38:09 PM »
I try my hardest to give others as much space as they need but sometimes things do need to be said.  If it is clear that the many people in the league are new to bowling then whoever is in charge of the league should either pass out a paper highlighting Etiquette and rules or make a mention of it one day before the league starts.


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Re: Etiquette and rules
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2009, 10:41:17 PM »
Thats one messed up league. File a complaint with your local association at that point.