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Author Topic: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)  (Read 12367 times)


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Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:16:02 AM »
Disclaimer: This post will be negative and I WILL discuss SPOILERS.

The show yesterday was an absolute train wreck.  It felt like both the shortest and longest show I've ever watched.  The bowling went by ridiculously quickly, and there was way too much filler, fluff, and commercials.  Not to mention when it's all filmed ahead of time, if you're into bowling and keep up with things on Facebook, Twitter, and various internet sites, there's ZERO way to avoid finding out what happens and that completely kills any interest for me.  The majority of the fun is finding out what happens.  If you know ahead of time, it's just filling in some random details. 

That first match wasn't really a match.  I've also never been less interested in someone making a run at 300, mostly because I already knew it didn't happen.  Feel bad for Pepe though, yeah it was a terrible shot, but it's too bad it never even had a chance.  I know I couldn't make a shot for 10k and bowling history, but a lot of people don't even get to have a chance at it and that might be the only one he ever gets. 

I had more personal commentary and opinions, but they would get me in trouble, so I'll just cut it off here.  Overall, the show was terribly uninteresting. 
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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2014, 11:05:33 AM »
    I don't think anyone denies there is a problem. The PBA is broken, but how to fix it is the issue. I just get tired of hearing/reading people bashing the PBA with unrealistic expectations. It will never be like it was when it was on ABC unfortunately. There just isn't enough sponsors dollars around for it at the moment. I don't think there is an easy fix....but I think the start of a fix has already been proposed. Riggs (Jeff Richgels) has proposed it in his blog in the past. The start is to bring the PBA, the USBC, and the BPAA together and form one new organization combining all 3. This way the every level, every avenue of the bowling world is represented in an organization governing the sport and helping the sport grow. You don't have a USBC looking rules that conflict with what the BPAA wants to do, and you have a solid foundation to build the PBA on with support from the bowling community. I highly recommend searching his site for his blog post on this (it is probably over a year old now, maybe even 2 years), it is a very interesting read and a solution I whole heartedly endorse.


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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2014, 01:59:33 AM »
One positive that I have is that they have posted it on YouTube, thus eliminating people from posting bogus versions or people trying to hunt a good copy down. I wonder if they are getting profits from the YouTube views though. They currently only have about 4800 views so far.

Also here's the link in case someone wants to watch it:
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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2014, 08:53:17 AM »
Should just go on Xtra Frame, but all summer it took them weeks to upload the Summer Swing telecasts.  Another PBA service that is . . unimpressive. 

One positive that I have is that they have posted it on YouTube, thus eliminating people from posting bogus versions or people trying to hunt a good copy down. I wonder if they are getting profits from the YouTube views though. They currently only have about 4800 views so far.

Also here's the link in case someone wants to watch it:
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2014, 08:45:56 PM »
I'm with the few here who enjoyed the telecast. I actually just watched my recording of the show last night, and simply DVR'ed through the commercials and fluff.
For me, it's about watching shots and technique, so I don't really care about the format. Pepe's performance was masterful, so I'm puzzled about about complaints.
For those who want change, we're not going to see it until serious sponsorship money flows into the PBA. That problem is not going to be solved on an Internet forum.


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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2014, 03:52:04 AM »
I hear people talking about how the kid thumped over his thumbhole.  He was a right handed 2-hander, so I'm going to assume that he did not have a thumbhole. 

That being said he DID have a hole drilled for the middle finger of his LEFT hand, which is basically IN his track.

Don't believe me?  Check out the screen capture I took from 24:51 of the video.


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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2014, 07:57:06 AM »
The big issue here is the difference between watching the live show or watching a recording later.  The problems weren't so much the actual bowling, it's the hour worth of show and the 25 minutes worth of actual bowling.  It's also the fact that even the die hard bowling fans don't want to watch it live.  Why is that?  With social media it's also nearly impossible to avoid hearing or finding out about the results.  Now that you know what happens, go back and watch it again, commercials and all and let me know how enjoyable it was.  Somebody else also made the point that all the "new" equipment they are using on the telecasts is stuff that has already been released with more stuff announced by the time they actually air.  When they filmed that stuff, the IQ Tour Nano had barely been announced.  By the air date?  Already been released. 

I'm with the few here who enjoyed the telecast. I actually just watched my recording of the show last night, and simply DVR'ed through the commercials and fluff.
For me, it's about watching shots and technique, so I don't really care about the format. Pepe's performance was masterful, so I'm puzzled about about complaints.
For those who want change, we're not going to see it until serious sponsorship money flows into the PBA. That problem is not going to be solved on an Internet forum.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Cheetah Championship, anybody watch? (SPOILER ALERT)
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2014, 09:42:52 AM »
The big issue here is the difference between watching the live show or watching a recording later.  The problems weren't so much the actual bowling, it's the hour worth of show and the 25 minutes worth of actual bowling.  It's also the fact that even the die hard bowling fans don't want to watch it live.  Why is that?  With social media it's also nearly impossible to avoid hearing or finding out about the results.  Now that you know what happens, go back and watch it again, commercials and all and let me know how enjoyable it was.  Somebody else also made the point that all the "new" equipment they are using on the telecasts is stuff that has already been released with more stuff announced by the time they actually air.  When they filmed that stuff, the IQ Tour Nano had barely been announced.  By the air date?  Already been released. 

I'm with the few here who enjoyed the telecast. I actually just watched my recording of the show last night, and simply DVR'ed through the commercials and fluff.
For me, it's about watching shots and technique, so I don't really care about the format. Pepe's performance was masterful, so I'm puzzled about about complaints.
For those who want change, we're not going to see it until serious sponsorship money flows into the PBA. That problem is not going to be solved on an Internet forum.

Giz, I understand your point. I'm not a fan of the taped shows we see weeks after the fact, but  it's obviously the best the PBA can do right now. Maybe I'm not demanding enough, but I'm just happy we have anything at all.
With my XtraFrame subscription, I get plenty of live coverage. I watched the WSOB live for many hours, and there is much more to come in 2015.
If we want things to get better, we have to do our part individually. Join the PBA. Bowl a Regional or 2 each year. The competitive part of the sport won't grow unless we participate. With growth will come money, and things will sort themselves out. Being angry in the mean time probably won't solve much.