I just got back from my trip to Chicago and Cincinnati. It was great to see PinKisser, Rick Wunder, and Doc Hollywood.
Wednesday I was able to meet up with PinKisser for dinner and conversation. It was a nice way to start out the trip.
Thursday, after taking the scenic route to downtown Chicago to pick up Doc and out to Hawthorne Lanes, Doc and I got to visit and bowl with Rick. We arrived in time to see Rick finish off his league set with a 221 (if I recall correctly). He was telling us he was struggling, I wish I could shoot a game like that when struggling
We visited a bit and hit the lanes. Rick was a gracious host and allowed me to beat him the 1st game. After that it was all Rick. Doc almost shut him out game 2, but Rick would have none of that. We left Hawthorne Lanes around midnight and I took Doc back to downtown and took the scenic route back to my hotel in Elk Grove Village/Schaumberg. I got back about 2:30PM.
Friday was time for the Pete. I will never complain about LA traffic again. I headed for the I90 at 3PM and arrived to pick up Doc at 5PM

I was sure we were not going to make it to the Petersen for the 6:30PM scheduled start time. As Doc knows now, I hate traffic. We did make it on time and the squad was late. Thankfully I had time to chill. PK and Rick were there when we arrived.
We were able to watch the earlier squad finish up. Everyone was booted out of the area and the lanes were prepared for us. Equipment, 2 balls maximum, are checked in and taken. The next time you see the balls is when you go to your lanes. Once all is prepared they announce to enter through the golden gates and the bell is rung.
In we walk and we begin on lanes 9&10. Rick is able to stay and watch us roll our first few frames. First 3 games I shoot 110-175-145. My goal is to break 100 every game, so far goal met.
After game 3 we get a break. After the break we return to continue on lanes 15-16. On lane 15 the 2 pin is off spot and on lane 16 the 3 pin is off spot. My second 3 games are 110-159-114. My goal is still in tact.
Another break after game 6. We continued with lanes 5-6. I swear there was a force field around the headpin on this pair

I started with a couple spares and couldn't hit the headpin to save my life the rest of the game. My goal was not met this game 92

Yes, I can say I had the low game of the group and the only sub100 game

I did redeem myself, sort of, the last game with a 167. My 8 game total was 1072.
PK was leading us all through the 1st 7 games. I did manage to edge him out after the last game. But when comparing tournament average to entering average, I was probably the biggest minus.
All in all we had a great time and I will have to go with the sign hung just inside the Golden Gates "Pete, this is absolutely the next to last time I bowl this."
Age is only a
state of mind. I lost mine years ago,
I will always be young