How about everyone just chilling out and giving the new owners a chance?

It's a holiday weekend. Let's see what happens during the work week. Maybe the new owners will respond to some of our concerns or even give us back our blue background. If not, then we'll know where we stand

and the new owners

. I even kind of like the new logo - looks like a ghost - (LOL, or maybe even a KKK member)

- instead of a bowling ball. I know, I know, everyone hates change. We were comfortable with the way it was. Those of us who have been around longer still feel ripped because of what happened with ETeamz. And this certainly looks like history repeating itself. But, what is a few days to see what happens? We might be pleasantly surprised. Then, again, we might not. I'm for a wait and see attitude. Plenty of time to judge later.