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Author Topic: CHIRS BARNES...GREAT WITH EVERYTHING?  (Read 978 times)


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« on: April 11, 2009, 03:28:46 PM »
So i wanna made this post because i have one doubt in my mind. i know we are talking about one of the best phisical games out there...but i have seen him compete when he was an amateur bowling in team usa and he used to hook the whole lane in every tournament...then when he went pro he changed to straighter its greater,he always say that there is a big difference bowling amateur than professional...when you bowl pro you need to controle your break point as a must so he almost always is playing the hook and stop so what i want to know is...columbia equipment its better for this king of game than maybe storm that has a skid flip reaction trade mark???...what i want to know is i know he can throw anything (he averaged like 278 in the round of 8 with a plastic ball)but i a m trying to make the same transition to bowl amateur international tournaments and now trying to test skills in the tour,so what could be better than trying to do what the best bowler on earth did,so if i want to begin to control my breakpoint and not having a skid snap reaction should i quit throwing storm (that brand always worked best fot me beacuse i used to put a lot in the ball so storm always worked great fo me) because right now with these pshisical adjustements in my release and tempo,i am beggining to see that i lose my breakpoint often (i mean my ball skids when it supossed to roll) please any advices will be great...i know at this level its not the arrow its the indian...but we all know that patrick allen after his player of the year award in 2005-06,signed with track and didnt make a round of 32 in 10 events and then he switched to ebonite again and win back to back tittles in the first i know sometimes some brands matchup better with some bowlers
thank a lot for takin time to read this and sory from my english i am from argentina



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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 04:00:39 AM »
Hi Jonah,

I wouldn't so much look at the balls as giving him the hook/stop ball reaction its more to do with his hand posistion(s). Obviously the balls do help create different ball reaction, try to practice with your hand, you'll soon see that the most angular piece can become hook/stop.


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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2009, 09:40:32 AM »
The skid/snap reaction may be needed sometimes. The main point is to be able to control the ball when it makes it move at the breakpoint.
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« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2009, 09:49:54 AM »
Look at how many telecasts Storm/Roto Grip have made this year.  You should be able to get the reaction you want out of Storm.  How is your equipment set up? (Cover prep and drilling)  Maybe that's where your issue is.
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« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2009, 02:25:04 PM »

   After nearly 40 years of bowling, it comes down to doing what you do best. Very few bowlers are as talented as Barnes and can change his primary game to something else (despite it taking several years). Perhaps you are too. But I find that bowlers in general simply do not evaluate there skills to know when some change is positive or negative for them. Juding by scores is just a poor indicator. Just because Barnes can do this, you might not be able to make that change with the consistancy you are currently employing.

   Straighter is greater, but it still requires, hitting your break point, controlling your speed and revs and understanding what is changing on the lane (experience and applying knowledge). If you are the best in the world at these things then you are the best in the world period. You are no longer throwing the ball the way you want, you are throwing the ball the way the lane is telling you to.
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