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Author Topic: Arsenal........  (Read 1731 times)


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« on: October 06, 2004, 04:36:53 PM » is something that is debated amongst most bowlers I know.....I work in a Pro Shop and hear customers saying to other bowler's go with Brunswick, or Storm, or RotoGrip.....or whatever......I would like to ask you guys and gals.....what do you think about a single company arsenal or multiple company.....I just drilled up a Killer Instinct Pearl and love it.....I have a Goliath(#1 ball in my bag), a Storm Fire Power, a Track Heat 2, an AZO Little Boy, and a Columbia Flipside Wow Particle me I can score with whatever I throw (as long as it has some type of hook LOL) but others seem to get a mental block when throwing other company's eqiupment.....also alot of bowler's (some I know and some I don't) come in and want a specific reaction without having to move....I realize that it very hard to accoplish that sometimes but I try very very hard to anylyze their games.......and recommend balls for them I think will work, but of course it all depends on just give me your thoughts on it and what your equipment is(Limit equipment to 5-7 balls ROFL).....See ya'll!!!!!



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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2004, 12:24:45 AM »


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2004, 12:47:27 AM »
-Jeremy Vitug

It is YOU who decides what happens on the lane.


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2004, 12:48:29 AM »
Hey Jeremy.....can ya give me your input on this matter???


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2004, 12:52:28 AM »
I read your post again.

There are several bowlers who actually do have that mental block because they tend to make an investment with one company, happen to be bowling really well at the time, and that would lead them to believe in one company.

Is there anything wrong with mixing up your arsenal? I say no. The more successful bowlers out on tour this year were those who were independent from any of the ball companies. There were players who were on ball staffs to start off the last PBA season and then dropped later into the season started to do quite well with the mixing of equipment.

Personally, I do stick with primarily one company. My reasoning for it is because I pretty much only know about Brunswick equipment the most, and pretty much if you asked me about any other companies' stuff, I wouldn't know what to tell you, really. That's why I stick with primarily one bowling ball company for my bag tools.

Finally, since you work at a pro shop, the best investment your customers can make is on a sound and consistent physical and mental game- something that all of us try to reach.
-Jeremy Vitug

It is YOU who decides what happens on the lane.

Edited on 10/8/2004 0:44 AM

Edited on 10/8/2004 0:45 AM


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2004, 12:55:27 AM »
Got ya......So what do you use primarily from Brunswick....


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2004, 01:13:32 AM »
Yeah I know that problem house doesn't believe in consistency....or the same shot everynight anyways......I mean I can understand maybe MAYBE a different shot for the ladies in my house cause most can't get thru the oil.....but they change it everynight.....they trying to adjust to the bowler's not let the bowler's adjust to the shot.....That why I bought that KI pearl.....for that clean shot......and the Goliath for the carrydown....the other's need work.......but also my house just got ProAnvil Lanes layed down too....but still that no excuse for changing the shot almost on a daily basis......


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2004, 01:15:05 AM »
I like that emergency Car Trunk Arsenal .....I got the Emergency ball rack Arsenal in the pro-shop I work in too......Don't need a new bag.....just need to build more ball racks in the Shop ROFL


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2004, 03:28:50 AM »
I guess I've had good luck with Storm, that's why I tended to buy a lot of balls from them, but I have ventured out into other companies as well now. I haven't been impressed with a Storm heavy oil offering, that's why I've had in the past an Ebonite V2 particle and now have a Track Animal for that need. I guess it didn't matter to me also what plastic ball I bought for a spare ball, that's where I have a Brunswick Target Zone. Now that I'm looking for something to fill a medium/heavy slot, I am also looking at a number of companies to see what can fit my needs.

What I have now:

Track Animal
Storm Eraser Pearl Particle
Storm Hot Wire
Brunswick Target Zone (spares)
For tournament use:
Storm El Nino Wrath
Storm Barbed Wire

I prefer versatility with my equipment, so that is why I don't think one company will fufill my needs. I'm sure other people (as evidenced by replies to this post) stick by one company for all of their arsenal. I see people in leagues who only throw Dynothane or Lane 1, and I see others who mix and match between 3 or 4 companies.


Edited on 10/8/2004 3:20 AM


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2004, 11:46:23 AM »
HammerBowler -- Do you know that Ebonite now owns Hammer?  I toured their manufacturing plant in Kentucky this summer and they were making Ebonite and Hammer balls on identical but parallel lines.  I think their technical staff now serves both brands also.  --  JohnP


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2004, 12:00:17 PM »
BAPS,  there is nothing wrong with have equipment from different companies.  There are times though that some stuff just doesn't match up well with a bowler.  For me, Ebonite just hasn't worked well and I've used 3 or 4 different balls over that last 5 years and just haven't had any real success with them.  I find that Storm and Rotogrip match my game well and tend to stick with them.  Not that I don't occasionally carry something different.  I still have an AMF Tour Evolution that sees regular use as well as occassional use for my Pro Purple Buzzsaw.


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Re: Arsenal........
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2004, 12:32:04 PM »
If I were going to put a new arsenal together from multi companies (I currently use Lane #1 and Storm) It would be:

Lane #1 - Super Carbide Bomb
Track - Rule or Animal
Storm - X-Factor Ace
Track - Freak-a-Zoid
Storm - Barbed Wire
Lane #1 - XXXL

I have no problem throwing equipment from different companies.  I used to use strictly Storm, but I broadened my horizon and tested the waters from other companies.  I haven't found muck from Ebonite or Columbia that I care for, but that's just my personal opinion.  I've thrown some Brunswick and Morich also.  I have yet to throw anything from Rotogrip, Visionary or Hammer (but I will).