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Author Topic: Mixed League Sanctioning  (Read 1398 times)


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Mixed League Sanctioning
« on: October 18, 2003, 09:02:55 PM »
Hi Everyone

I bowl in a ladies league and sanctioned through WIBC.

I recently joined a mixed league in the same house. I told them I was WIBC sanctioned through another league.

I was just informed that they are only accepting ABC sanctioning and that I would have to join ABC.

I have been in mixed leagues for many years and my WIBC sanctioning has always been accepted.

Can a mixed league deny my WIBC membership?




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Re: Mixed League Sanctioning
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2003, 01:04:34 PM »
First thing you should do is check the league rules. The league may allow both sexes to bowl but may require ABC sanctioning to participate. By definition, a mixed league is one in which both sexes are allowed to bowl. All men, all women or mixed teams. Rule #101b.

Go get an ABC card and go for it.!

If you had everything......where would you put it?

Edited on 10/19/2003 1:40 PM
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Re: Mixed League Sanctioning
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2003, 01:39:39 PM »
This sounds like a situation where a call to Greendale is in order.  ABC and WIBC rules apply to mixed leagues, and I am not certain that a mixed league can mandate ABC membership in order for a female to bowl.


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Re: Mixed League Sanctioning
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2003, 02:57:45 PM »
I would agree with Michelle - but - what's wrong with carrying both cards?
I do it, and get awards from both associations...
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Re: Mixed League Sanctioning
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 05:53:49 PM »
It sounds like it is a situation where it may have been a "Men's" league at one time, which was only ABC sanctioned.  Since women can also carry an ABC card, women have been allowed into the league as long as they sanction ABC.  I'm not sure there is anything against.  I also carry both ABC and WIBC cards, and have for the last few years.
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Re: Mixed League Sanctioning
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2003, 07:54:47 PM »
my wife has never held a WIBC card. She prefers to bowl in mixed leagues
and not with the old ladies where the house propieter will not put out
any oil.
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Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

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