I bowled City yesterday and today.
Team was yesterday, and I was consistent for two games, anyway. Started 224 and 214 and then fell apart like a cheap suit for 159 and a 597. I used only my Thunder Storm and White Dot

Today was doubles and singles, and all I hoped for was to bowl well for my doubles partner since I normally stink in doubles. NOT TODAY!

I threw another CLEAN 30! Still no 700, but maybe that'll happen someday. 215-216-203 / 634

My partner, a 147 average, started slow with 122 but went 225-165 / 512 and we had 1469 with handicrap. I've never broken the 1400 barrier in doubles so this was a first.
Singles wasn't so good but not entirely horrible either. 213-158-182 / 553. Now for the BEST part: I had 1784 All Events, and I've never bowled that well for nine games in a tournament EVER.
The lanes were super oily, so for the six games today I used the Purple Ice Executioner and the White Dot

My White Dot got a nice little chunk taken out of it at some point today, but it' s not in the ball track. It just looks like a little battle scar. It EARNED it!
Thanks for reading this

White Dot
Ancient Chinese Proverb: Man who stand on toilet high on pot.http://faldo.atmos.uiuc.edu/FBL/mkting.html