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Author Topic: City Tournaments--do you participate??  (Read 1962 times)


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City Tournaments--do you participate??
« on: February 02, 2004, 12:35:31 PM »
This question isn't for all of you.  You folks in metropolis land probably don't have this problem.  We have two houses in the association, one off base and one on base.  The city tourney is always held off base due to the problems that would arise getting civilians on base.

Anywho, all the house downtown does is put out THS.  The same thing we see in league every week.  It comes down to who carries and who doesn't.  I bowl everything once; Team, Doubles and Singles.  I know some guys that bowl 4 or 5 teams, as well as mulitple doubles and singles just to win the tourney.  I find this ridiculous.  Last year my double partner and I shot 1360-something for third place, we bowled once.  The guys that won it bowled a couple of times.  Granted we have to change partners but I mean come on its the city tournament.  

The city tourney doesn't get my blood pumping.  If they put out something scorable but alittle more challenging that would be great.  

So, far I have bowled in doubles and singles this year.  I had two opens in each set 614 doubles, 709 singles.  I don't think I will touch the top ten in singles, b/c someone will bowl however many times they are allowed until they are on top.  

What a bunch of horse....well you know



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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2004, 05:19:04 AM »
haven’t bowled our city tournament in years.  Mainly like Andrew states, multiple reentries are permitted.

The main thing that gripes me about our city tournament is they make me pay extra to bowl in the scratch portion.  I just may be senile but why should I have to enter the handicap side when I don’t get handicap.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2004, 06:57:01 AM »
our city tournament( st. joseph, mo  pop. 75,000 )covers 4 houses and allows multiple entries fror the team event only.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2004, 07:38:00 AM »
My team bowls our city tournament each year.

Like Greg’s our tournament allows multiple entries into the team event but not doubles and singles. I believe no more than 2 or 3 bowlers can be the same on a team.  

In fact I have never heard of allowing multiple entries into doubles or singles.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2004, 07:54:18 AM »
The Greater Detroit BA city tournament allows multiple entries, but the Detroit WBA does not.

I've bowled in both and the shot for the GDBA is much more challenging than what the DWBA puts down.

We finished 3rd in our division last year in the team event of the DWBA city tournament and we got back $50.00 each.  At least this year we have a sponsor for the tournament that added $4500 to the prize fund so if we bowl well maybe we'll get a little more back
White Dot
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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2004, 10:29:07 AM »
I did not bowl city or state the past two years.  My issue with the city tourney this year was that it was in a house that I came close to blowing out a knee on the last time I bowled there (travel league).  The house shot puts me sliding on a seam (synthetic approaches) and it simply is not worth the risk of injury.

My issue with State was that they moved to a handicap format two years ago (still with Divisions A-D).  They refuse to create a Classic Division.  So instead, I view Bluebonnet Queens as my state least it is still a pure scratch event.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2004, 10:50:48 AM »
Our city tournament allows multiple entries but not re-entry. I can't remember exactly, but in singles I think you can bowl more than once but only your highest score counts.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2004, 11:10:26 AM »
Our city tournament allows multiple entries in every event.  Your first entry in each event is your score for all events.  Singles were in November, team in December and this month is doubles.  I normally don't bowl in the city.  I don't have any issues or complaints.  It is just the guys I bowl with don't bowl in it.  I did bowl this year due to a new bowler in our league.  He organized a squad from our league.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2004, 11:46:05 AM »
I bowl the city tournament every once in a while.  We have a fairly large tournament in Dallas and it's sometimes fun depending on where it is held.  I think the best I have done is 6th in all events for my division and City doubles Champion.  The biggest gripe most people have is that the payout is really low.  I think I brought home $319.  The money is not the best part anyway I am very proud of the ring.  It means just about more to me than my others.

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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2004, 12:03:31 PM »
I bowl it every year.  It is the best way to see where u stack up against the best in the area.   3 titles, Team champs 2001, dbls scratch and hdcp 2004.  Several top 5 finishes and good paydays.


Edited on 2/3/2004 2:09 PM


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2004, 12:34:18 PM »
I do bowl the city every year. Of course being a board member from Dallas I am kind of expected to. I would anyway and did before becoming a Director. Thanks for the mention to Smash49. I am on the tourney committee and we have had discussions about the money issue. We could make the money much better if we increased the pay percentage to cut back on spots payed or increased the entry fee. We have kept that at $16 an event, which is low by todays standards. The other option would be to allow the multiple entries to increase participation, but you have read here the reaction that can come from that. It boils down to trying to keep the entry fee in reach of all of our bowlers. We do back, out of the associations pocket, a $1000 garuntee for first in handicap team. We allow multiple entries only in team with a change of 2 members. All considered I think we have a good event, but we seem to be losing entries every year. We move the tourney around, spreading the wealth so to speak to all of the metroplex centers.


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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2004, 02:29:05 PM »
Tex you know that after you have won the city tournament you come to realize that the city tournament is not about the money.  The tournament is about becoming city champion.  I've done something that very few people in our city can claim.  I'm not sure exactly how many there are now and the different divisions but probably less than 20 a year.  If you think your going to get rich well.....  It's all about bowling other city bowlers and coming out on top.

Dallas Men's Division B Doubles Champion 1993

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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2004, 09:55:41 PM »
Sort of along the same line of this thread...

Do your city tournament(s) have the 10 pin rule?

(Rerate a bowler's average if the current average is 10 pins higher from the previous season).
White Dot
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Re: City Tournaments--do you participate??
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2004, 11:34:10 PM »
White Dot. Yes, Dallas does. Based on Jan.1.