This question isn't for all of you. You folks in metropolis land probably don't have this problem. We have two houses in the association, one off base and one on base. The city tourney is always held off base due to the problems that would arise getting civilians on base.
Anywho, all the house downtown does is put out THS. The same thing we see in league every week. It comes down to who carries and who doesn't. I bowl everything once; Team, Doubles and Singles. I know some guys that bowl 4 or 5 teams, as well as mulitple doubles and singles just to win the tourney. I find this ridiculous. Last year my double partner and I shot 1360-something for third place, we bowled once. The guys that won it bowled a couple of times. Granted we have to change partners but I mean come on its the city tournament.
The city tourney doesn't get my blood pumping. If they put out something scorable but alittle more challenging that would be great.
So, far I have bowled in doubles and singles this year. I had two opens in each set 614 doubles, 709 singles. I don't think I will touch the top ten in singles, b/c someone will bowl however many times they are allowed until they are on top.
What a bunch of horse....well you know
