Lot's of full line up suggestions. I would personally approach this differently.
You did not state what equipment you currently have used or what has been successful (or unsuccessful) for you. If you end up with a different company than you have used before, then go with just a medium ball. The reason is you may or may not like what that company does for you. You may feel you don't match with it for whatever reason.
Once the medium ball is set and you know its characteristics for your style, only then would I consider the ball above and below. For instance, you may chose between an IQ Tour or Fight for your medium ball. After using said ball, you can better decide between a Lock, Alpha Crux or perhaps even a Haywire depending on what the IQ Tour does for you. Same with the equipment below.
You can blindly chose from any company, after all, they all produce quality products. But I would hate for you to pull the trigger on three balls only to find out you have regret on one of them.