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Author Topic: Cleaners....  (Read 649 times)


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« on: May 09, 2005, 12:14:40 AM »
I was browsing on & I saw some cleaners on there that removed oil, dirt, etc. & restores hook, etc. Do these cleaners really work? What experiences have you had with these & which brands do you use? Thank you for your input.
Thank you, TS7299



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Re: Cleaners....
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 08:49:05 AM »
IMO, there are two types of cleaners..
1. Will usually get excess dirt and oil off the ball.
2. One that will get the belt marks, scuffs dirt and oil off the ball.

I have used a lot of different types/brands and have a couple I like/use/trust to do what I want them to do. I have also 'played around' with different approved chemicals/cleaners and have a couple mixtures I like. As I said I like, some/a few/most will disagree with what I use/like, but that's why there are so many out there. That's why they ake Fords / Chevys and Dodges (etc).
What works for me, might not for you and it depends on what you want to clean off your ball.

Example...I used Storm Cleaners at first and they were OK, but I could not get the belt marks off without a good scrubbing. They took off dirt and oil just fine and are good products. Some on here will tell you a mixture of Simple Green works wonders while others will say it is a pile of crap, it depends on how you do it, what you want off and how hard you are willing to work on it, IMO.

For me and this is just MY cleaners....
( Daily/weekly use)
50/50 Simple Green and Water....dirt/oil/built 'crap'
My mixture of Lane Cleaner and water....dirt/oil/belt marks

( Monthly use)
Track Clean N Dull...oil/dirt/left over polish I want off
My mixture...oil.dirt/belt marks and any small creatures that are the real cause of my crappy score the week before.

You will get almost as many answers as there are posters, I suggest you read them all, find the one (or two) that work for you and go with that and be happy.

i'm done.

AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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