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Author Topic: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers  (Read 3544 times)


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What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:32:52 AM »
I bowl in the last remaining all mens league at our bowling center.  That statement is depressing all by itself, but it gets worse. Many people over the years myself included have tried to get the league officers to agree to expand the league from its 16 teams.  It is the oldest league in the county and has moved as the bowling centers have closed over the years so we have a mix of senior bowlers, mid career and young bowlers.  The motions have been voted down year after year as our policy is "captains vote".  As you may have guessed, the captains are all the "legacy" bowlers and league officials.

Well, last night I took upon myself to start a petition to see if there was interest in expanding the league. More teams, more money, the center has open lanes and will kick in prize fund if we add more teams as well. More team, more money.  Who wouldn't want more money, execpt for the capital one baby?

The petition was intercepted half way through the league and brought to one of the league officers.  I got my reprimand, "that's not how we do things, we take a captains vote. So I will present my case next week and lose the captains vote, even though I have 60-70% of the league members wanting expansion.

Other than voting out the league officers over time, or finding another men's league and there are none nearby, not much recourse. 

We have officers and members who are more concerned with they're own comfort level: small amount of teams where everyone knows each other, bowl everyone twice, end the league early, limit the competition level, etc.  Now I understand these things.  I like some of that as well but it doesn't help promote the sport. So I'll give my empowered speach, narrowly lose the captains vote. I've been in this league for fifteen years myself and I know we need new blood for the league to survive as well as the sport and not just a bowler or two when somebody dies or retires.



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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2013, 07:40:52 AM »
When encountering the immovable object.....go around it....circumvent it.  Look at starting a new possibly!!  Talk with the alley owners and see what can be done.  Then do a similar thing, not a petition, but see if people would be willing to go to a new league.

See what happens from there..... - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!!

Best line I've heard about politics....


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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 07:59:26 AM »
Yeah I have center owner agreeing to kick in money if we meet expansion goals. I have to walk softly because I am not a league officer so no authority to negotiate the contract.  As for new league....Been there, done that.  I manage budgets, people, issues all day for work, as do many others. Hard enough to find the time to bowl a few times a week as it is, but you are right. I can whine or start a new league.  Whining is easier ;D

Bowling 300 900

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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2013, 11:47:23 AM »
Ask the bowling center owner to come to the league meeting and let the captain tell him right to his face that they don't care about the owners bottom line or the owners opportunity to make more money.

If you want change you got to get the owner involved in a nice and informative meeting. 

In the end the bowling center owner makes the rules and if he wants more teams he can not offer you a new contract at the end of the season and let the house take over the league.

I've never bowled in a league where the league captains vote on expansion.  They should have no say what so ever.  The say should be with the bowling center owner.  It's his lanes, his pins, his building and in the end it's his lively hood. 

The only time it makes sense for a league to vote should be on expansion is if there will be an odd team.  The league should be given the choice to bowl with the blind or reject the odd number team.

I once wanted to put a team into a 5 mans early morning am league.  They had 16 teams.   I would of been the 17th team, but they would only take my team unless they could get an 18th team because of the blind.   I asked the manager what could be done and the answer was pretty much nothing.  I understood why but if my money and my teammates money is no good in that place, than I'm never going to return.   I have not gone there since and its been a number of years.   The league by being stubborn lost a team that would bowl every year, the bowling center lost extra money and 5 new customers. 

Not good business practice and not a good way to expand and grow the league but it's a valid and understandable decision. 

« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 12:18:41 PM by Bowling 300 900 »


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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2013, 07:09:23 PM »
Oldest league that doesn't wish to expand eventually will not exist. Thats funny stuff.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2013, 08:07:04 PM »
I bowl in the last remaining all mens league at our bowling center.  That statement is depressing all by itself, but it gets worse. Many people over the years myself included have tried to get the league officers to agree to expand the league from its 16 teams.

Be thankful there is the option of having enough outside bowlers to expand the league. To some of the other points made, don't give up. Go around the Captains if you can. The league will eventually die if it continues to go down the current road.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: What's wrong with Bowling? The Bowlers
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2013, 09:36:02 PM »
Yeah I have center owner agreeing to kick in money if we meet expansion goals. I have to walk softly because I am not a league officer so no authority to negotiate the contract.  As for new league....Been there, done that.  I manage budgets, people, issues all day for work, as do many others. Hard enough to find the time to bowl a few times a week as it is, but you are right. I can whine or start a new league.  Whining is easier ;D

You don't really need to walk all that softly.  Sign the new contract as the President of a new league.  Get a majority of teams to say they will bowl in the new league.  Those teams plus the new teams you get thru advertising by the center will fill the league.  When the other teams see there are only four of five teams left in the old league, they will come to yours.  The center manager can aid in this by not re-newing the contract of the league you bowl in now.  Strictly a business decision on his part.  He wants to fill his house and current league not willing to do it, 
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.
