I bowl in the last remaining all mens league at our bowling center. That statement is depressing all by itself, but it gets worse. Many people over the years myself included have tried to get the league officers to agree to expand the league from its 16 teams. It is the oldest league in the county and has moved as the bowling centers have closed over the years so we have a mix of senior bowlers, mid career and young bowlers. The motions have been voted down year after year as our policy is "captains vote". As you may have guessed, the captains are all the "legacy" bowlers and league officials.
Well, last night I took upon myself to start a petition to see if there was interest in expanding the league. More teams, more money, the center has open lanes and will kick in prize fund if we add more teams as well. More team, more money. Who wouldn't want more money, execpt for the capital one baby?
The petition was intercepted half way through the league and brought to one of the league officers. I got my reprimand, "that's not how we do things, we take a captains vote. So I will present my case next week and lose the captains vote, even though I have 60-70% of the league members wanting expansion.
Other than voting out the league officers over time, or finding another men's league and there are none nearby, not much recourse.
We have officers and members who are more concerned with they're own comfort level: small amount of teams where everyone knows each other, bowl everyone twice, end the league early, limit the competition level, etc. Now I understand these things. I like some of that as well but it doesn't help promote the sport. So I'll give my empowered speach, narrowly lose the captains vote. I've been in this league for fifteen years myself and I know we need new blood for the league to survive as well as the sport and not just a bowler or two when somebody dies or retires.