I intend to buy Columbia's Vow and was wondering about the best way to clean a pearl coverstock.
Use the same NON-abrasive cleaner that you use on solid coverstocks.
My main ball is the Full Swing which is very porous and guzzles oil. So I use a combination of Clean n Dull and Adrenaline pads---a method that works alright. As I understand it, a pearl reactive cover is generally not as porous as most high end solids.
Does anyone have recommendations on cleaning a pearl reactive?
Thanks a bunch!!!!
Adrenaline pads are not intended to be cleaners; they're intended to increase oil absorption chemically, to return the ball to close to what it had been when new.
Clean and Dull is probably the best and deepest cleaner on the market today.
Pearl coverstocks are not any more porous that solids. Duller surfaces (rougher sanded) are more absorptive than polished ones because polish makes the surface finer and finer until it shines. Plus one tends to use polished balls on drier lanes conditions; so they come in contact with less oil. But that applies to polished solids as well as polished pearls, as well as polished hybrids.
You should always clean ALL balls immediately after use. They'll last much longer especially today's super oil sucker coverstocks.