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Author Topic: Cliques in bowling  (Read 6561 times)


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Cliques in bowling
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:40:09 AM »
I know cliques exist wherever you're at, and whatever you're involved with it.  However, it seems like it's easier to notice or identify the "higher" you are up in any certain sport or activity.  Some seem worse or more extreme than others though, especially with kids and their parents.  Their kid is always better than someone else's, or they have a better excuse, etc.  But what is the deal with bowlers?  I don't think I know of anybody that doesn't have an angle or a strong opinion about something or someone.  You have the drinkers who just get drunk and loud and fight with the serious guys, you've got the easy going guys who don't even pay attention to the rules that fight with the sticklers, you have the people who know nothing but think they're qualified to coach anybody, you have the guys who have these gigantic egos because they have honor scores on a house shot, and then once you get up a bit in the industry, you have the super cliques where people are so full of themselves that they view everyone "underneath" them as inferior.  These are the people that are supposedly doing the right things, and trying to advance the sport, all while holding all the peasants outside the clique at arm's length, the people they're supposedly trying to help.  You ever get that feeling when you're at clinics or around people that are names in the industry that yeah, they're passionate about it, but really only about making themselves look better and pushing their own agenda?  When you actually want to get involved or contribute, it's almost like you get a pat on the head and shooed back outside so the grown ups don't have to deal with you whether you know what you're talking about or not. 

Now for once, I'm not trying to disguise complaints about something that's happening to me.  I just keep seeing it everywhere and I'm really getting sick of it.  If you really want to help or improve something, do it, get involved, make everyone feel important whether they suck and are completely incompetent or not.  We all at one point or another sucked and were incompetent, and if you don't give somebody a chance, you might miss or piss off somebody with potential.  Yeah, you can get on a bowling forum later and vent about it, but I'm sick of seeing people talked down to or treated like crap because they aren't an established name or have a reputation.  Bowling is like being back in high school all over again.  Yes, there are cliques everywhere you go, but some are just groups of people with a lot of things in common, not exclusionary elitists. 
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Re: Cliques in bowling
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2013, 12:15:03 PM »
For me I could care less if someone is wearing a PBA/USBC/manufacture shirt. I bowl once a week and it is my chance to relax and have fun with friends. I figure as long as you are not a douche, who really cares.


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Re: Cliques in bowling
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2013, 02:29:33 PM »
Really? I know quite a few people are douche-bags and they don't bowl at all.

All for it. I have two, thanks to Brunswick. I rarely wear them but they are nice shirts. It looks better then grown men bowling in football jerseys in my opinion. Still I'm not going to make fun of them or judge them for doing it.

I don't really judge people on there looks, skill set, or what ever. It is bowling, it is for fun. Yes I take it seriously, but I know I'm a dork for it. It isn't a cool sport. I've met a lot of guys that are really good bowlers and super d-bags at the same time because of it. I laugh because they have no reason to be. That happens any where in life.

I have a drill press, 25 undrilled bowling balls and only bowl one day a week. Work has screwed me at that for years. Still it is my hobby, that I enjoy. Most of the people I have met through bowling are really nice, so I think that is something people should focus on more and not the few that think it is more then it really is.

Exactly, the sentence right after that is my other point "That happens any where in life."

I also agree that many people automatically judge guys in manufacture shirts as likely d-bags. We all have experienced why. We also all know plenty who aren't and rep their brands well. I think that's very important. I like to dress a little better for tournaments just because I think it is nice to somewhat have a uniform.....if you count nice jeans and a dress shirt as that lol.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Cliques in bowling
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2013, 02:08:22 AM »
If I had one I'd wear it without a care in the world, I mean some of them are really nice looking shirts. I came rolling in the other day and a guy said " Wow you really take this serious". My reply was " yeah its what I like to do, I enjoy it, so why not have the tools to be better at it? " He agreed and we started chatting it up for the rest of the night.

Odds are I'll get one for Christmas because the wife supports my hobby. She does theater and I bowl, works out fairly good.

Heck I've got friends coming out of the wood work to go with  me, while there is nothing cool about it we all have a good time :D


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Re: Cliques in bowling
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2013, 07:35:46 AM »
Last winter I wore a "northface" jacket. They almost tossed me out of the center. BUT people who wear their PBA shirts, even if they are PBA members are looked at like idiots. I dont care what anyone wears. I wear a Oakland Raider hat when Im fishing, does that make me a "wanna be" Raider? If you have a Columbia / Ebonite / Brunswick shirt, just wear it if you want to.


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Re: Cliques in bowling
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2013, 08:50:44 AM »
Good point about the hat . .

Last winter I wore a "northface" jacket. They almost tossed me out of the center. BUT people who wear their PBA shirts, even if they are PBA members are looked at like idiots. I dont care what anyone wears. I wear a Oakland Raider hat when Im fishing, does that make me a "wanna be" Raider? If you have a Columbia / Ebonite / Brunswick shirt, just wear it if you want to.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?