Surely you've noticed how one instruction article conflicts with other instruction articles, sometimes within the same magazine or website. If the articles conflict with one another, then how do you know which is correct, if any? Of course, It could have mentioned one video conflicting with another video.
The bottom line: most people who believe they know a lot about the bowling really don't. Most of their knowledge is really only incorrect information—a hodgepodge of conflicting theories.
I can understand why so many bowlers are disenchanted with the instruction process, and rightly so—you take lessons but you don't improve. I hate to say it, but this is mostly their fault because they demand instant results. They don't stand a chance if you think you're going to get significant results within a week, or even a month! Of course, coaches will try to give you what you want, which only encourages them to rely on short term band-aid instruction techniques, which ultimately does nothing to improve your game for the long run.
If you aren't going to do it right, and by this I mean practicing properly and finding a good instructor, then don't do it at all!
If you do decide to take lessons, be sure you understand what it takes to improve. You also need to be selective when you choose your instructor. Find a coach who teaches because they like to teach and because they have a serious desire to help their students improve.