in a previous thread i mentioned how i redrilled one ball for span problems. well, we went ahead and drilled it without finger inserts. i am totally in love with it. i threw probably 4 or 5 games with that ball... the consistency was astounding: in every part of the swing, from step-off to release, i knew right where the ball was. after i got used to the feel, i could tell every single mistake i was making with the release. without the 'goo snaggers' in there, i could feel the pressure of the ball directly where it was at on my hand. and, i could adjust my release accordingly.
all of my stuff is getting refilled in the fingers, and drilled this way.
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?
bring on the Lefty uprising!