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Author Topic: Time Zone Help  (Read 795 times)


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Time Zone Help
« on: January 18, 2004, 07:35:01 AM »
I have my time zone drilled for mid lane max hook so it will work on a variety of lane conditions.  I have been throwing a fingertip ball for about 8 years now and average around 195 to 205 depending on the league and shot.  I ordered a 15 lb time zone and got it drilled but i am somewhat disapointed.  I leave my bowling balls with the factory finish on them but this one doesn't seem to want to have a massive hook on it.  I have been using 16 lbs before this ball and i might be just over throwing it but i i can only seem to get it to move going across between the 2nd and 3rd arrows from the right,  out to about the 2 board  and then back in the pocket.  is this as much hook as i can get w/ this ball or am i just overthrowing it.  I hits the pocket will and always is around the head pin.  It finds a way to strike but if i over throw it i leave a lot of splits.



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Re: Time Zone Help
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2004, 10:51:30 PM »
I am starting to think i need to just use this ball after the first game is over because the oil will have carried down more by then.  I think this is a perfect ball for medium and dryer conditions but on oily lanes it seems skids through the breakpoint and and comes in to light.  Maybe i am just over throwing it.  check this out for my first game w/ this ball on a fresh oil lane.  I started out w/ 6 strikes,  then 4 splits,  and the a strike and a 7 and 2.   i just can't figure it out,  i did something similiar to that.  The splits it leaves aren't easy either.  I left stuff like the 8-10,  big 4,  and 4-7-10.  I just don't understand it.