When I was looking for an oil ball, I was leaning toward the cold blood, and had no interest in the mastermind. I threw both of them, along with the antics at my pro shop, with the cold blood and antics oob and the mastermind with a coat of polish. I threw on a slightly used shot and a fresh shot. Honestly, the cold blood hit like a nice fluffy pillow compared to the other two balls. I gave it back after 2 or 3 shots. The antics and mastermind were close in terms of strength and hitting power for me, and I only chose the mastermind because I liked my nightmare and misfit pearl so much, and wanted to give Brunswick a try. I had a hard time carrying with the mastermind on my league shots because the surface was so rough, but after I changed it to 3000 grit, it probably became the best ball in my bag