Thank you once again to Lane#1 for sponsoring BBE's Monthly Drawings.
Almost 90% of you got it right this time!
The question was:
The PAP marks the positive end of the Axis around which the ball rotates at the moment it is released. As the ball flares, each flare line has its own separate Axis. By locating the Axis for the 1st, middle, and last flare lines, one can determine which elements of the ball's core for a particular drilling are exerting their maximum influence at the beginning, middle, and back end of the ball's travel down the lane. When the Pin, CG, or MB are on the 3 3/8" Leverage Line for a particular axis, they are producing their maximum effect on ball reaction at the point in the ball's travel corresponding to that Axis.
This movement of the Axis as the ball flares is called __________.
Axis Flare
PAP Wobble
Axis Migration
The Flare Effect
The correct answer is:
Axis Migration
Join me in congratulating this month's winner!
And our randomly chosen winner from among those with the correct answer is...