I subscribed to both a few years ago. BJI was £75.00 for 3 years and BTM was about £85.00 for 2 years. Those are roughly still the overseas rates.
I really enjoyed both magazines. They always had good PBA write-ups in BJI which was great for people outside the USA. I really am a very big fan of the PBA and it proved very useful in keeping in touch with the goings on.
BTM was more for improving your game. Some articles were excellent and some were repeated through the years, still most months there were quite a few gems in there.
Ball reviews in both but better I felt in the BTM but not bad in the BJI.
Which was best? I'd probably go with BTM but I still very much enjoyed BJI and If I was still bowling regularly and still buying balls then I'd not hesitate in taking out both subscriptions again.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK
Did someone say tough luck
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