They're screwed either way. If the scores are higher, it might make it fun for a while, but once you see so many 250's, it's going to become normal. As it is right now, the average person that just flips to the show might think they suck. Anybody remember the show that Learn shot the 11-something? It was almost a joke, Pedersen got up there and didn't even look like he was really trying. He had low game on the show with a 240-something, that's ridiculous. The pros would hate a carry contest, and it might totally turn some of them off. Voss is already up in arms about the equipment thing, which I totally support him in, so it'll just turn it into a circus. The game's already lost enough integrity, and it needs to stop already. What would then set the best apart from the rest? There's a guy that bowls here that can't do jack on a sport pattern, but averages 240 on a wall show. High powered tweener, he could easily compete with them on a wall.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.
I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow. On one shot, he left a 9 pin. Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."