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Author Topic: Common Problems With New Bowlers  (Read 596 times)


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Common Problems With New Bowlers
« on: July 06, 2004, 11:42:30 PM »
While not as experienced as others in the world of bowling, I've been around the game for almost 30 years now.  Helping new bowlers - those that ask for help, I never give unsolicited help - has always been a source of joy for me.

In the last two years, I've noticed a trend in new bowlers I haven't seen before.  I see more and more new bowlers sliding/finishing on the wrong foot - right handers with their last step/slide on the right foot and left-handers on the left.  Has anyone else noticed this in their area?  Has anyone noticed any other bad trends in new bowlers?  Coaches - any methods you've found that helps correct the problem?
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")



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Re: Common Problems With New Bowlers
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2004, 02:56:22 PM »
When i went to my state yaba there was a kid bwoling in singles with me and he slid on his right foot and he was a righty!! i couldt belive it and he shot 200+ every game.


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Re: Common Problems With New Bowlers
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2004, 05:04:54 PM »
I know a right hander who bowled in a Monday night church league about 8 years ago that finished on the wrong foot and threw a 300 game (played straight down the middle of the lane). He didn't even shoot a 600 series for the night- he was a 140 average bowler.

The other trend I've noticed from youth bowlers in my area is there desire to try to cover coast to coast on the lanes with as much speed and revs as possible. I never learned that way when I was younger, I thought control mattered more than wide angles....
