How does one get any good information about getting the best ball for your exact style? Word of mouth and pro shop recommendations are all good sources, but they're approximations at best. Every house's version of the PBA patterns can play very different from each other, so you really can't even say "I want a strong ball for the Scorpion pattern".
I got a little money for Christmas and thought about buying a new ball. I'd like something for med/heavy oil that has some recovery down lane. I have a solid arc ball, but want something a little flippier for when you need to move inside and need to create enough angle to carry on heavier or longer patterns.
By chance, one of the guys in our scratch league had two very new balls I was interested in - a Cell Pearl and a Virtual Gravity. The span and pitches were very close, I just needed a wad of tape in the thumb to achieve a very good fit. It's a second shift house shot, but it stays in good shape. The head oil holds up and there isn't too much carry down.
I basically stayed in the same place for both balls as I did when I threw my aging Nighthawk M2 in league. Now I know a THS tends to make balls seem similar, but I never would have guessed how much. An old pearl at 1000 grit polished with 1500+ games, a strong pearl at 1500 grit polished, and a really strong solid at 4000 grit were with a board or two of each other. The Virtual Gravity was probably the hardest off the dry if I missed outside, but that was about all I could tell.
This isn't so much about a ball recommendation (although I will take them as well), but again, how do we make good choices for our exact style when buying a ball? Demo days are cool, but with the average house shot, do we get real results, or talk ourselves into seeing things that really aren't there? My last purchase (Black Widow Bite, intended for the same condition) didn't work out as I planned. It's a good ball, but didn't do what I wanted. Everyone makes good equipment now, so I'm not worried about buying a dud, but I don't want to waste money on a ball that doesn't fit where I want.
Penn State ProudRon Clifton''s Bowling Tip Archive