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Author Topic: Competition or easy money?  (Read 827 times)


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Competition or easy money?
« on: March 15, 2004, 06:42:45 PM »
You have two choices for leagues to bowl in.

One is a capped scratch league with 3 person teams; with this cap all the teams have virtually the same team average. Because of the cap many on the top bowlers in the area do not bowl in the league. You bowl 4 games. The league is held at the highest scoring house in the city and on first shift with fresh oil. The league is sponsored so that additional money is added to the prize fund. Payout for the first place team will be 3 times what the league fees were. Brackets and side pots are available.  

The other is a traveling scratch league with 5 person teams no cap. A majority of the top bowlers in the area bowl in the league. You will bowl 3 games on second shift. During the course of the year conditions will vary wildly from fresh, to open play before, to 4 and 5 person leagues on first shift. The league has no sponsor. Payout for the first place team will be about 2 times what the league fees were. Brackets and side pots are available.

Which league do you choose and why?

I bowl the traveling scratch because I want the no holds barred competition. I also want the variety of the conditions that you will bowl on. Money is a secondary concern.



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Re: Competition or easy money?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2004, 09:57:05 AM »
Both is not an option. They bowl the same night and distance between centers makes it impossible to get there in time.


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Re: Competition or easy money?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2004, 12:41:38 PM »
I would prefer the traveling league - however, I'd probably not bowl it.
Most travel leagues are late (9PM), and with the travel and 5 person teams, I'd get home too late to make it to work in good shape the next morning.
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