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Author Topic: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?  (Read 38899 times)


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Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:26:24 PM »
I see a lot of guys wearing compression sleeves and even see them being sold at tournaments now. Do these things actually help or are they more of a fashion statement to be cool?



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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2013, 11:21:17 AM »
I'm just throwing this out there, but if these are in fact very useful medicinally, why have we not seen players in full compression jumpsuits?  Legs, Backs, Shoulders, Neck... Hell, maybe a compression bandana for headaches...  I lean to believe they are a fashion statement that might provide some useful benefit like warmth... Similar to spandex and running.  I have no hate for anyone that wears one.

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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2013, 12:26:07 PM »
I'm just throwing this out there, but if these are in fact very useful medicinally, why have we not seen players in full compression jumpsuits?  Legs, Backs, Shoulders, Neck... Hell, maybe a compression bandana for headaches...  I lean to believe they are a fashion statement that might provide some useful benefit like warmth... Similar to spandex and running.  I have no hate for anyone that wears one.

I'm just throwing this out there, if somebody needs a full compression jumpsuit, he's got way bigger issues than using it for bowling...  ::)  Are you GTx2's little sibling?  :-\


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2013, 01:06:03 PM »
I'm just throwing this out there, but if these are in fact very useful medicinally, why have we not seen players in full compression jumpsuits?  Legs, Backs, Shoulders, Neck... Hell, maybe a compression bandana for headaches...

wait for it......damn, it's a knee-slapper....

Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003

Monster Pike

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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2013, 01:33:49 PM »
I'm just throwing this out there, but if these are in fact very useful medicinally, why have we not seen players in full compression jumpsuits?  Legs, Backs, Shoulders, Neck... Hell, maybe a compression bandana for headaches...

wait for it......damn, it's a knee-slapper....

Yeah, just like your 1st reply post in this thread...  ???


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2013, 07:38:48 PM »
I'm 56 years old and don't usually fall for many gimmicks, so I must be a loser taking placebos. I have struggled with elbow pain on and off over the years. This year I've tossed in bicep tendonitis. I was told by a physical therapist to try a compression sleeve. I put it on before I go to the lanes and bowl. I can honestly say that my arm feels much better after bowling with the pain in the elbow and bicep area much less than if I didn't put a sleeve on. I wore compression shorts when playing ball and always felt they were a reason why I didn't have hamstring problems like a lot of the older guys I played with. I feel bad that if a guy wears such performance equipment that many of you look down on them and put them in the loser category. My sleeve is basic black with only a small company (Mcdavid) logo on it. I've never thought trying something that may help you is something that would make you a loser,  I guess I am but at least I feel better physically!


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2013, 12:11:10 AM »
I'm 56 years old and don't usually fall for many gimmicks, so I must be a loser taking placebos. I have struggled with elbow pain on and off over the years. This year I've tossed in bicep tendonitis. I was told by a physical therapist to try a compression sleeve. I put it on before I go to the lanes and bowl. I can honestly say that my arm feels much better after bowling with the pain in the elbow and bicep area much less than if I didn't put a sleeve on. I wore compression shorts when playing ball and always felt they were a reason why I didn't have hamstring problems like a lot of the older guys I played with. I feel bad that if a guy wears such performance equipment that many of you look down on them and put them in the loser category. My sleeve is basic black with only a small company (Mcdavid) logo on it. I've never thought trying something that may help you is something that would make you a loser,  I guess I am but at least I feel better physically!

I had worked for sport medicine dept. a couple of years ago. We service for the local NBA team, MMA fighters, and other pro and am high school athletes. These guys/gals wear them per PT orders to aid physical issues, or prevent injury. Others may wear arm sleeves to hide tattoos, but others wear them to prevent muscle issues like what you are experiencing.

Anyway, I used a McDaivd calf sleeve after injuring calf in 1997 in a MA tournament in Japan. I used it during training to prevent severe cramping for several months till it healed. (injury was called a "tennis calf" if I remember) But, with arm compression sleeves, I used it for other purposes other than to aid with physical issues. UnderArmor brand was great to absorb sweat, but I'm positive it does help individuals like yourself with muscle issues.

Do what you do sir, health is wealth. ;)

« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 11:39:34 AM by xrayjay »
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2013, 01:26:47 AM »
I'm just throwing this out there, but if these are in fact very useful medicinally, why have we not seen players in full compression jumpsuits?  Legs, Backs, Shoulders, Neck... Hell, maybe a compression bandana for headaches...  I lean to believe they are a fashion statement that might provide some useful benefit like warmth... Similar to spandex and running.  I have no hate for anyone that wears one.

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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2014, 07:59:55 AM »
I did a search on google for compression sleeves to see exactly what the deal was with them, and this thread popped up, so I'm reviving it!  Bottom line is that there IS a medical benefit to them.  However, they didn't really start popping up much until the pros started using them, and honestly I can't say I had seen one in a bowling alley until we started seeing them on tv.  Now did people start wearing them for the cool factor, or did some get curious about the function because they needed support and had never heard of them before?  I'd say both.  I think the percentage of people who wear them just to be cool is really low, then I think the majority of the people who wear them are the super competitive guys who take it a little too seriously and look for anything that will give them an edge.  Then you have another small group of people who take it too seriously but aren't very good or who look for gimmicks and tools because they don't really understand the sport or want to practice.  Then you have the people who wear them just for the support, and most of these just buy regular sleeves that have no bowling company logo on them specifically to avoid being called tools or primadonnas. 

But the majority of people who wear them are just riding the latest trend and trying to act like it helps a lot more than it really does.  I've got a buddy who started wearing them, and he says they help and he likes them, but I've seen no statistical evidence to back that up.  Maybe he means his arm feels better afterwards, but a lot of people buy them because they think it's supposed to make them bowl better. 

Somebody above mentioned it being like wearing an MMA shirt, and that's not far off.  It's always the skinny dorky guys that wish they were tough that wear them, or the big buff guys who also wish they were that tough wearing them.  Generally these guys walk around like tools, and that turns a lot of people off.  I personally wouldn't be caught dead wearing one just because of the stigma that follows it.  Honestly though, I've been wanting to try one just to see what kind of support it offers, I could use a bit . .
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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2014, 08:52:27 AM »
Didn't Don Genalo wear one because of a bad elbow?


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2014, 10:45:31 AM »
I wear a sleeve once in awhile and will say that it works for me.  I usually use these if something in elbow is hurting or if I am really sore, both from something at the gym.  The sleeves keep the muscles warm and loose more so than if you were not wearing a sleeve. 
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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2014, 03:29:03 PM »
I got one just to try and couldn't tell much one way or another. Only bowling three games and not having any previous pain or problems makes it hard to judge.

If I knew I was going to bowl a block of games I would wear it for the extra support as a preventative.

Some one also mentioned a stigma ect. How many new people do you meet bowling in your leagues? If you are a d-bag already no one would think any different one way or another. lol If you aren't a d-bag people won't think you've become one.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 03:30:58 PM by kidlost2000 »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2014, 07:15:53 PM »
I have had elbow tendonitis in the past off and on. The first switch was to drop down 15 years ago to 15lb equipment. This took away the tennis elbow feeling for a few years. The last couple of years since I have crept up closer to the big 5-0, the elbow soreness has started to return. I asked my doctor and short of quitting, he suggested something that gave some compression as he is a tennis player still and goes thru the same kind of soreness at times. Storm put out an offer to purchase the compression sleeve on the cheap so I jumped in. It seems to keep the blood flowing and the muscle warmer. I am not as sore as much but it isn't pain free.

Now I get asked if it really does something or I am trying to be hip and trendy. For me, it really does help with the elbow soreness.

Occasionally I stop in to see some old softball playing buddies and will notice the younger guys wearing them on the ball field. I spoke to one of the younger guys who also bowls and he said all of the years of throwing baseball/softball and bowling makes his elbow hurt more than in the past. He also said the really young guys wear them because they think it makes them look cool.

I dunno, I guess it is like waring the all white belt that I notice the 20 somethings wearing to bowl in all of the time. :)
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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2014, 12:47:36 PM »
Both my kids (teenagers) had sore arms and asked if they could get compression sleeves.  I really didn't want to get it since to me, it was more of like the "in thing", and not really something that will help.  So we went to Sports Authority and found a pair in the baseball area, which was way cheaper than buying singles.  They had a color choice of black, black, and black. So they chose black.  They both used it.  My son used it twice, my daughter once.  My son said it helped, my daughter said it didn't.  Lol.  I guess its personal preference.  So if it works for you, then great, use it. 


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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2017, 07:43:28 PM »
For those of you who see these as a simple fashion statement you may want to read about compression and athletics.

There are undoubtedly a segment who wear them as a fashion statement and that completely fine as it's their money and their choice. Do you pay there bills?  I doubt it and as such you should crawl back under your rock, grab a Busch beer, and complain about your pathetic life which causes you to judge others. I'm sure there are many things wrong with you that cause you to see us that use them as "losers".

I was intoduced to compression while serving in the Army where I lifted weights on a schedule of twice a day.

What does compression do?  It keeps the muscles compressed warm, allows the muscles to be oxygenated better then if not compressed, tightens ligaments and deters injury, and allows a shorter recovery time after use. They are used in nearly all sports, for people with Cancer, people with diabetes, people who fly a lot. The uses are numerous.

Do you consider fighter pilots losers?  Well If you haven't figured it out......they use compression to keep blood to their heads at high G's.

Now I am fully aware that bowling is not the same as flying a fighter jet. I do know that it's athletic sport that can and does cause injury. If I can prevent even one injury with it then it's worth MY money.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Compression sleeves...Helpful or fashion statement?
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2017, 08:28:04 PM »
Required to lift weights twice a day? You were in a different Army than I my friend.

If you think a sleeve benefits you, it probably does. Why do you give any thought about what people on a bowling website think of you?
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