I did a search on google for compression sleeves to see exactly what the deal was with them, and this thread popped up, so I'm reviving it! Bottom line is that there IS a medical benefit to them. However, they didn't really start popping up much until the pros started using them, and honestly I can't say I had seen one in a bowling alley until we started seeing them on tv. Now did people start wearing them for the cool factor, or did some get curious about the function because they needed support and had never heard of them before? I'd say both. I think the percentage of people who wear them just to be cool is really low, then I think the majority of the people who wear them are the super competitive guys who take it a little too seriously and look for anything that will give them an edge. Then you have another small group of people who take it too seriously but aren't very good or who look for gimmicks and tools because they don't really understand the sport or want to practice. Then you have the people who wear them just for the support, and most of these just buy regular sleeves that have no bowling company logo on them specifically to avoid being called tools or primadonnas.
But the majority of people who wear them are just riding the latest trend and trying to act like it helps a lot more than it really does. I've got a buddy who started wearing them, and he says they help and he likes them, but I've seen no statistical evidence to back that up. Maybe he means his arm feels better afterwards, but a lot of people buy them because they think it's supposed to make them bowl better.
Somebody above mentioned it being like wearing an MMA shirt, and that's not far off. It's always the skinny dorky guys that wish they were tough that wear them, or the big buff guys who also wish they were that tough wearing them. Generally these guys walk around like tools, and that turns a lot of people off. I personally wouldn't be caught dead wearing one just because of the stigma that follows it. Honestly though, I've been wanting to try one just to see what kind of support it offers, I could use a bit . .