I don't think it could have been used or executed more poorly. All they ever said was, "oh hey look, you can see it now." Not another word about it, no breakdown, no discussion, no images of fresh oil and then transitioned oil, and it wasn't dark enough by a long shot. Every pattern looked the same, and it looked how you might imagine it anyway. The differences that they should have been intending to show weren't featured or shown at all. The oil being blue did absolutely nothing for anyone. Even someone brand new to bowling could have imagined it looking like that, and seeing a lane graph is much more help than seeing the blue oil. Especially for the Scorpion pattern last week. 47 feet, but you just saw a mess of it in the heads, and on none of the patterns could you see any blue past 30 feet. Maybe they realized it just wasn't going to go well, and as a result didn't put much effort into it, but if that was the case, they should have just scrapped it.
And as for saying the dye didn't stain, anybody happen to look at Ciminelli's Endless? It stained the crap out of it. Now it would be nice to have the color to more easily get someone's axis point or something, but that's the only use I can think of. I don't see tinted oil ever returning to telecasts or ever coming to your local center. Just a miserable failure all the way around. IN MY OPINION. What does everyone else think?