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Author Topic: Conflict of Interest?  (Read 5979 times)


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Conflict of Interest?
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:06:47 PM »
I've been kind of passively seeking sponsorship or trying to get on staff with a company/site to simply improve my professional reputation.  I already work in a pro shop and get plenty of perks, so I'm not after cheap stuff, but even if you work in a shop, being on staff with somebody is another level of perceived success or proficiency.  Just working in the local shop where everybody knows you sometimes doesn't get the job done, but if you're with a national company or nationally known site, that carries extra weight with it. 

I've recently been thinking about applying to one of the major bowling sites on the internet, but as I work in a shop, wouldn't that be a rather large conflict of interest?  I've heard of several shop employees/owners that are on staff with the various internet retailers, but that doesn't make much sense to me.  I haven't talked with any of them though about the specifics, but does anyone see this any differently?  As a staffer, I'd obviously want to recommend the site to people, but I already have that commitment to the shop I work at . . I can't see how other people can be double dipping like that.  Help? 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?



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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 02:37:45 PM »
So you are saying you need to be on staff to establish some level of credibility above what you have now?  If I owned a website I would want you to push my site so I can reap the benefits of having you on staff.  If that is different than what you want to do because let's face it, you want to make money, then don't do it.

Being on staff isn't a requirement.  Good customer relations and good work will do more for your credibility than any sticker in a window or patch on a shirt.


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 02:41:09 PM »
You've already answered your own question.


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 03:58:08 PM »
I'm not saying I need to be, I'm just saying it couldn't hurt.  We do gain new customers fairly frequently, and also with a clinic I've developed and am about to start pitching fairly soon, I feel like the more feathers in my cap, the better, you know?  People do see it as a type of validation though.  Yeah you may be good locally and people may be happy with you, but they see you in a bit different light and are more willing to listen if you have some recognizable credentials.  It's more or less proof of skill, status, or accomplishment.  Also if new customers to the area are trying to decide what shop to choose, having those cap feathers very well could be a deciding factor for them.  Just marketability, really, trying to reach every type of person possible.  There are some people out there that put a lot of stock in certifications and plaques on the wall. 

So you are saying you need to be on staff to establish some level of credibility above what you have now?  If I owned a website I would want you to push my site so I can reap the benefits of having you on staff.  If that is different than what you want to do because let's face it, you want to make money, then don't do it.

Being on staff isn't a requirement.  Good customer relations and good work will do more for your credibility than any sticker in a window or patch on a shirt.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2013, 04:02:52 PM »
Well, I'd like to think that anyway, but I'd also like to think I'm not ignorant enough to trust every conclusion I come to.  I appreciate the comment.

You've already answered your own question.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 04:07:46 PM »
95% of the customers that come in a pro shop don't have a clue or a care if you're on a ball staff.  Dress and act like a professional and people won't second guess anything.  No jeans, no t-shirts, no sneakers.  If you're worried about getting dirty put on an apron, but take it off before leaving the work area.


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2013, 04:34:56 PM »
True, but again, I'm trying to branch out a bit.  I suppose this is the OCD grabbing me again.  Just do good work and shoot straight and it should all take care of itself, right?  Well, got that pretty well taken care of. 

95% of the customers that come in a pro shop don't have a clue or a care if you're on a ball staff.  Dress and act like a professional and people won't second guess anything.  No jeans, no t-shirts, no sneakers.  If you're worried about getting dirty put on an apron, but take it off before leaving the work area.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 08:56:53 AM »
Talk to one of your ball reps.  If they have a spot, they can put you on their pro shop staff.  If not, maybe next year.

If you want to be on the amateur staff, then put together a resume and either give it to your ball rep or send it out.  Keep in mind, that they get hundreds or resumes per year and your chances are slim.  If you are good friends with the rep, he/she may help you out. Also, if your pro shop does a great business in one brand, that will also help you out.

Being a staff member will mean that you may only use their equipment in league or tournaments.  To many good bowlers (not touring pros), this is too much of a restriction but its up to you.

Good Luck.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 08:14:14 AM by Stan »


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2013, 01:55:20 PM »
I'm not so much concerned with the restriction of ball choices.  I do worry about a perceived bias towards that company though.  And honestly if I got on with say Storm, and thought a Brunswick would be better for a certain customer, I'm going to sell them Brunswick.  Now, I'd be throwing Storm of course, and so I'd sell them by throwing them, but it's my job to be completely unbiased, and the more I think about it the more I think I'm better off just "flying solo."  Being on somebody's staff is a really big deal in people's eyes here though . .

I didn't want to get into this, but what the hell.  I'm really good at giving people what they want, I'd put my drill press and hand tooling skills up against anybody.  But I'm only 32, and most of my customers are really resistant to taking suggestions because I'm younger than they are.  Now the ones I get to listen and give my advice a fair shake are really happy, but I've got tons of people I know I could fix if they'd just listen.  My age just makes it really difficult to get my foot in the door though. I realize not everyone wants to be "fixed" but part of my job is helping people get better and doing what's best for them.  Yeah it's nice to nail something for somebody, but it's also hard doing things for people that I know are totally wrong for them just because that's the way they want it.  So that's the deal, I'm young and I want more firepower.  I'm also never content or happy with anything, I always feel like I could be doing better or doing more, so I'm going to try to do everything possible to get better and do more. 

Talk to one of your ball reps.  If they have a spot, they can put you on their pro shop staff.  If not, maybe next year.

If you want to be on the amateur staff, then put together a resume and either give it to your ball rep or send it out.  Keep in mind, that they get hundreds or resumes per year and your chances are slim.  If you are good friends with the rep, he/she may help you out. Also, if your pro shop does a great business in one brand, that will also help you out.

Being a staff member will mean that you may only use their equipment in league or tournaments.  To many good bowlers (not touring pros), this is too much of a restriction but its up to you.

Good Luck.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2013, 04:21:54 PM »
I would suggest focusing on your proshop and your customers and word of mouth will earn you the respect you are wanting. If you want online respect you are wasting your time. If you keep making videos and further your knowledge you will get the customers respect you are seeking.

I am also 32 and as a at home DIY person I enjoy helping others and talking bowling, but I only drill for myself. I refer others to the better local shops I would use. I know a local staff guy that is a great bowler and is a few years older then me and is stuck in a 1980s mindset on drilling. He only pushes his brand equipment and bad mouths other brands and other more knowledgable drillers because they take the time to watch the bowler, get their stats, and apply that information to the right ball and condition.

I do not recommend him to others but I do highly recommend the guy and shop he makes fun of.

If you work in a proshop you are in the best position possible to do what you are wanting to do. You have to make it happen.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Elimeno Pee

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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2013, 07:24:45 PM »
If you seek credit, earn it with bowling and customer service.  if you've earned it, and still aren't getting it, screw 'em.  you can be your own worst critic, others simply will be impressed with what you put out on the lanes.
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2013, 08:43:14 PM »
If you seek credit, earn it with bowling and customer service.  if you've earned it, and still aren't getting it, screw 'em.  you can be your own worst critic, others simply will be impressed with what you put out on the lanes.

+100000000.  I'll take word of mouth and quality service over having a staff label anyday. 
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

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MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2013, 10:07:50 PM »
 The majority of the people on staff, that I personally know, are there due to employment in high volume bowling retail stores. Their skill at bowling is limited.
 They are put on staff simply to push the company that gives them a few balls a year.

Spider Man

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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2013, 02:16:22 PM »
Possibly not. If you personally drill the balls bought online, at your boss' shop then you are still making money for the shop. Just be up front with the shop owner first. Don't let your ambition get the better of you.

I've recently been thinking about applying to one of the major bowling sites on the internet, but as I work in a shop, wouldn't that be a rather large conflict of interest?


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Re: Conflict of Interest?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2013, 07:39:14 AM »
Thanks for all the replies.  I've had some of the same thoughts, but the support or reinforcement is nice.  I also had the thought that with all the people I admire, or the ones that are in positions or at a place I'd like to be at are all 20 years older than I am.  Think I'm just in the paying my dues phase.  Thanks again, I appreciate the replies. 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?