
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Magic Carpet on December 05, 2004, 01:16:42 AM

Title: Congrats to Bob Korth
Post by: Magic Carpet on December 05, 2004, 01:16:42 AM contributor and Ron C's Magic Carpet user Bob Korth won the Senior Match Play Classic sponsored by Roto Grip.

This is Bob's 2nd High Roller Title. His first was the Senior High Roller in August 1998

A little about Bob, a true legend in his own time.
Bob is a very accomplished bowler. He has been recognized by the ABC for
being the only man to shoot 800 series in 5 straight decades.
His first was in Seattle Washington in 1965. He used a Brunswick TracMaster 1 hard rubber ball.
Bob says with the help of Ron C’s Magic Carpet he was able to shoot an 824 series on June 3rd 2001 to take the Oregon state all events record away from Marshall Holman. This 800 set gave Bob Korth the distinction of being the only bowler in history to shoot 800 sets in 5 straight decades.
Bob writes the "Ask Bob" column for

Bob Korth is a fine representative for our sport and I am very proud to call him my friend.

This is the kind of people found in the chat room each night.

Ron Clifton
Title: Re: Congrats to Bob Korth
Post by: Smash49 on December 05, 2004, 09:40:50 AM
Congrats to Bob.  My dad spoke with him during the week and told me he was sicker than a dog but shooting well.  

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Title: Re: Congrats to Bob Korth
Post by: scotts33 on December 05, 2004, 09:49:55 AM
Congrats to Bob Korth.

Pat on the back to Bob Hanson BR user for coming in 9-12th and Jim Ensminger also a BR user for winning in the first round but losing in the 2nd.

Good bowling guys!!!!


Edited on 12/5/2004 10:41 AM

Edited on 12/5/2004 10:41 AM
Title: Re: Congrats to Bob Korth
Post by: scotts33 on December 06, 2004, 03:27:31 PM
Just so folks that maybe didn't see this on the weekend when Ron posted it.

Well done Bob Korth, Bob Hanson and Jim Ensminger!

Title: Re: Congrats to Bob Korth
Post by: Strider on December 06, 2004, 06:57:47 PM
I missed this also.  Congrats to all!
Penn State Proud

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