We are all different with different styles so not every tip will work for everyone. Hopefully some of this will be helpful for you or someone else.
Back To Basics and KISS.
1. Free armswing.
Only muscles used to start the pushaway, from then on your arm should be like a pendulum. If you use any
muscle after the pushaway, you risk throwing your pendulum off-course, causing you to miss your target.
2. Align your body to your target.
Feet, hips, shoulders and head should be aligned towards your target. Your forearm should also be aligned to the
target. If you start off holding your ball in the center of your body, if you look at the way your forearm is pointing from the elbow to the wrist, it would be pointing too far left (if you are RH). In order for your ball to clear your hips, you would have to swing the ball off to the side of your body and then bring it back around, causing inconsistancies in the swing. That is why many bowlers will start off holding the ball off to the side of their body, so that the elbow to wrist alignment is pointing more directly towards their target and the ball can clear the body without affecting the pendulum swing.
3. Keep your eyes on the target.
Sounds easy and simple, but many bowlers will look up at the pins when the ball leaves their hand. Watch many of
the pros and you will notice how level their heads are during their delivery. They don't bob the head up or
down so it is easier to keep their eyes on their target. Only when you have watched the ball clear your target
should you allow your eyes to move.
4. Keep your footspeed steady.
Work on keeping your speed consistant. This will help keep your delivery more consistant allowing you to hit
your target.
Keep it simple. If you have the chance to watch yourself on video, try to isolate areas that you can simplify. Watch your pushaway, the armswing, and your feet to see what you can modify. Obviously the more convoluted one
area is, the more inconsistancies that can arise from that. Keeping it simple also makes it easier to make a
correction if you fall into a bad habit in that area.
6. Free your mind, free your body.
Once you step onto the approach, try to keep only one or two thoughts in your mind. Those should be simple,
positive messages that pertain to what you want to accomplish. Never let a stray negative thought intrude, if it does, back off and start over. Having too many steps in your mental checklist will cause your body tomisfire, so usually one or two is best. Remember that your subconscience mind does not recognise the word 'not'. If you think "do not pull the ball", the subconscience only sees "do pull the ball", and thus disaster occurs. If you think you will not cover the spare, you probably will not. Back off and mentally picture yourself covering it, then start over.
I am sure that you will receive more tips from some of the other posters here. Hope this helps.
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