Before I say anything else, let me say that I earned a 1 year Storm staff position a month ago. If that cheapens what I say in some peoples eyes simply due to taking that opportunity, then so be it. This is my first experience being on staff, and I'm excited about it. It has been a lifelong goal, and at 51 years old, I wasn't sure it was ever going to happen. So, now, it happened, and here I am.
There is no script that comes from Utah for Storm or Roto staffers, but I agree that some of the drivel that I have seen written from staffers of any brand is useless. Obviously there is an enthusiasm for their product, and that is fine, but it bugs me as much as anybody to read the same "goes long, hooks hard, great continuation" every time, for every ball. It's stupid, and shows no originality, no perception of the way a ball fits into the brand line up, and worst of all it pisses off some of the very people that may actually have an interest in the shell being talked about.
I have yet to post any ball reviews here but probably will at some point. Until that time, thanks to all the people on here that actually have intellect and integrity, and do care about bowling, you guys are more important to the sport now than ever.