I am not sure how everyone else feels about this, but how do you determine who your teammates will be for a league?
I know many people have a set of friends and family they choose from, but what happens when you want to join a league and are short a member or two?
My brother and I wanted to bowl a league together (meaning on the same team) and inquired at a bowling center to see if a particular league had any openings for 2 men. We chose this league because 1. my brother's friends backed out at the last minute and 2. our parents bowl in the league. After consulting the secretary about the league, she said they had a couple of teams looking for 2 members.
We show up Friday, first night of league, and let the secretary know we are there to bowl. Come to find out, there are no teams that need 2 bowlers. So obviously, we don't bowl. But here is the intriguing part...
During the first game, there are 2 teams with 2 vacancies for the first night. My first thought is the other members aren't available for the first night and a vacancy is used till they bowl. But upon further review, they don't have 2 members but don't want us to bowl with them. I realize this is a long winded explanation of my particular experience, but I felt a little jilted. I am a 215-225 bowler and subbed once in the league last year and shot 823. My brother is a decent 185 average bowler without coaching and was looking forward to working with me and improving his game. I was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this or has been that team that didn't want the two available bowlers.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com