I'm thinking I might get a new ball fairly soon to go with my Mutant and Wicked BRT, but I'm leery of another asymmetrical core ball (like my Mutant) since I get such spotty performance with it, even though it was a highly rated ball. My Wicked BRT is much more consistent and reliable for me. Neither are drilled particularly strong. Both the Track Rule and the Columbia Detour sound interesting to me. I've been told that asymmetrical core balls are not as forgiving of release and speed errors, and I'm guilty of both. Is this true? What are the advantages and disadvantages to asymmetrical and symmetrical core balls? Which type might be more appropriate for me? For what it's worth, I'm a tweener, 14-15 mph, like to swing the ball slightly (more if possible), low-med. revs, and average 180 on light to medium oiled synthetics on a 42' THS. The backends are never very strong at our house. On higher oil amounts or lanes with carrydown, I typically struggle.