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Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 78241 times)


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« on: March 13, 2020, 11:19:28 AM »
Has any leagues been cancelled that some of you bowl in due to the Coronavirus ? A tournament I was going to bowl in pulled the plug. I'm in Ohio where mass gatherings of 100 or more are prohibited. Things are changing daily so it could be an adjustment after the 2 p.m. press conference.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2020, 11:25:50 AM »
The state of Wisconsin has passed that no more than 50 people can be in one place together. Bowling is cancelled for at least one week. Many restaurants in the town are offering the "we'll bring the food to your car" service. I'm an Elks member and our lodge is closed for at least two weeks and the Wisconsin State Elks Convention in May is cancelled.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2020, 11:28:34 AM »
Hope everyone can stay healthy in the coming months we all will bowl again some day. Hopefully we won't lose many bowling alleys due to the Coronavirus fallout as well as the many other businesses associated with the bowling industry. Hope everyone will be back to bowling by the fall if not sooner.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2020, 11:46:53 AM »

EA Dublin bowl postpones all leagues, but doesn't close.

Hello Everyone:

We have been keeping up to date on all the news related to COVID-19 as many of you have. With the most recent CDC advisories & that Alameda County will soon impose a 100 person limit on gatherings; Earl Anthony’s Dublin Bowl has made the decision to postpone all leagues for the next two weeks.

Further decisions will be based on the best available information at that time.

With the close proximity of teammates in league bowling, we felt that “Social Distancing” would be impossible to achieve.

At this time, the bowl will remain open for open bowling with open bowlers spread out throughout the center.

Through these types of emails, we’ll do our best to keep you informed of our status.


EA Dublin bowl updates to say they will be closed until April 7th.

Seeing that all 6 Bay-area counties yesterday got slapped with shelter-in-place, nothing from San Jose up to Vallejo is going to be open...

I work as a contractor at a community college in the data center and I was just told that I don't have a job for the next month. Applying to jobs now.

If you're meaning to file for unemployment, I would definitely do that. Depending on the state, they are waiving the 2-week period for without having a job to receive payments. That may not be your full salary, but would hold you over for the month.

If looking for a new job, that's going to be tough because most IT companies are on hiring freezes. They may not get back to you for at least a month, so if you're guaranteed the job back at that data center, I'd take the unemployment, rest the month, then get that back. If they don't, then you'd at least have something steady coming in until the other companies start hiring again.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #64 on: March 17, 2020, 01:18:11 PM »
Pacific Ave Bowl and West Lane Bowl, Stockton CA are now closed for at least two weeks.
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #65 on: March 17, 2020, 02:16:01 PM »
Oh, unemployment was already filed when I typed that. I have 4 kids and 2 fosters. I have to have a contingency plan always.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #66 on: March 17, 2020, 04:04:51 PM »
Instead of forcing the closing of all businesses, I wish the scatter brained politicians would somehow get on the back of Big Pharma to force them to put 90% of the their research into finding a freaking anti-virus to fight this plague. I mean normally it takes a year plus to find a new cure for such as this, but this disease has been out there for more than a year already and,

Is anyone closer to finding a cure, an immunization, an anti-virus yet???

I guess not.

Heck, we all know 99% of politicians have to be seen to so something even if it actually addresses ZERO issues. It's essential to their re-election, but if their true objective was to serve the people, wouldn't they be doing something meaningful?????
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 04:07:26 PM by charlest »
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #67 on: March 17, 2020, 04:27:12 PM »
COVID-19 Vaccine testing started human trials yesterday.  If successful, an approved vaccine will be in production within the next 18 months.

In the meantime, they are doing the only thing they can...attempting to reduce the spread by limiting public activities.  Had they not been so drastic with their response, who knows how many more infected people and deaths there would be in the United States?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #68 on: March 17, 2020, 08:21:24 PM »
Instead of forcing the closing of all businesses, I wish the scatter brained politicians would somehow get on the back of Big Pharma to force them to put 90% of the their research into finding a freaking anti-virus to fight this plague. I mean normally it takes a year plus to find a new cure for such as this, but this disease has been out there for more than a year already and,

Is anyone closer to finding a cure, an immunization, an anti-virus yet???

I guess not.

Heck, we all know 99% of politicians have to be seen to so something even if it actually addresses ZERO issues. It's essential to their re-election, but if their true objective was to serve the people, wouldn't they be doing something meaningful?????

I don’t think this has been out there a year yet. Probably not even 6 months yet. Hard to know because of the disinformation China was doing with this. The are moving at lightning speed with the vaccine testing. Two months and they’ve started human trials. May seem slow, but everything out there, it’s crazy fast.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #69 on: March 17, 2020, 08:57:48 PM »
iowa pulled the plug today.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #70 on: March 17, 2020, 09:09:12 PM »
Why am I writing this on a bowling forum.

Due to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), pharmaceuticals are exempt for injury caused by vaccines. You can't sue them.

Vaccines are not considered drugs, they are "biologics," and thus do not have to go through the same testing standards as drugs. They are not tested for long term effects, not against true inert placebo.

It was after this act that vaccine makers greatly expanded the schedule, they created a product, don't' test it, and then get gov't to force to have your child injected with it.

There is no good system to report vaccine injuries.

I could go on, but as a healthy, 43 year old who knows a bit about health, I'll take my chance with getting the coronavirus over some experimental, untested, vaccine concoction. All vaccines are mixes of heavy metals, DNA, and other chemicals besides that antigen. Not safe. Do not be misled by fear. 

If this country had any sanity, there would be a crisis over half of all children having a chronic disease (up from 12% in the 1980s) and a growing autism epidemic that is going to bankrupt this country.

Bowling is much, much more important than corona virus and if this gets in the way of my summer sport shot leagues and tournaments I'll be very angry.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #71 on: March 18, 2020, 05:48:10 AM »
Still had out league last night, but many others centers in the area have closed.  Our league is small, so we're under the occupancy limit.  The restaurant was still open, but had the tables roped off.  You could order food and they'd bring it to you.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2020, 07:36:04 AM »
Still had out league last night, but many others centers in the area have closed.  Our league is small, so we're under the occupancy limit.  The restaurant was still open, but had the tables roped off.  You could order food and they'd bring it to you.

Restaurants in our area are take-out or delivery only, no dine-in.  Not quite sure there is any difference between dine-in and delivering food to a is still dining in with a group.  The intent of the initiative is ultimately to make sure people still have access to prepared foods, but eat them in their "shelter" away from others that may be infected.  Although the person preparing and/or packing the food may have the virus, so there is that aspect of it too.  It's all so goofy LOL 

My bowling center is closed until April 1st.  I was kind of thinking they would stay open for leagues only and allow smaller leagues less than 50 people to bowl [my league is only 24 people].  However, they elected to shut the whole place down.  At least it is only 2 weeks being missed (so far).


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #73 on: March 18, 2020, 08:05:07 AM »
I'm not downplaying the coronavirus, but how is this getting any more real than H1N1 was? 60.8 million Americans were infected with H1N1 and 12,469 deaths were reported. When it was finally declared a national emergency 1000 had already died. I don't remember closures and the panic instilled by the media over that. That was a damn serious thing as over 500,000 died worldwide!!

Look who was POTUS then and look now..... Obama was untouchable according to the media ... and they have had the knives out for Trump since 2016.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #74 on: March 18, 2020, 09:50:36 AM »
Bowlero cancelled everything for two weeks in south Florida as well as all the beaches shutting down. Almost like Nevada except they are still allowing the “Native American” casino operators to stay open and not only rob the citizens but to further spread this terrible disease. Their gaming license should be revoked. Stay safe everyone!


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #75 on: March 18, 2020, 11:43:19 AM »
This started in Wisconsin yesterday at 5PM. All restaurants and bars must close. Restaurants can only do delivery or curbside pick-up. A public place may have no more than 10 people in it at one time, some places such as healthcare and grocery stores may have more than 10 people. This will last for at least two weeks. Monday Night Bowling League sounds like it will cancel the rest of the season, we had only two weeks left.
The principles of the B.P.O.E. are:

The Elks are committed to their mission,
“So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.”

300 GAME 10/6/2021