
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: eBinks on July 02, 2004, 10:09:05 AM

Title: Cosimic Bowling = Good Practice
Post by: eBinks on July 02, 2004, 10:09:05 AM
I find that when I go cosmic bowling that it gives me a chance to work on my spares and keeping myself focused.  So I was just wondering how many of you out there have tried and/or think this is a good idea and your thoughts on the subject.
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Title: Re: Cosimic Bowling = Good Practice
Post by: Walking E on July 03, 2004, 02:03:34 AM
I think it's great. I wish my scratch league would bowl Cosmic style! Or at least play music.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!
Title: Re: Cosimic Bowling = Good Practice
Post by: WSUstroker on July 03, 2004, 02:13:09 AM
Its fun to take a 2-ball tote and go with some friends.  Most people are really impressed with how much you can "curve" the ball.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling
Title: Re: Cosimic Bowling = Good Practice
Post by: fishnic on July 03, 2004, 02:33:42 AM
i go cosmic bowling for school once in a wile, i hate
it i can't see my arrows there is always lights flashing
in my eyes, kids that just bowl for fun jump out in front
of me cause they don't know better, i like the music especially
when they have the kind of music i like.
Title: Re: Cosimic Bowling = Good Practice
Post by: Smash49 on July 03, 2004, 10:03:48 AM
I use it for practice when the center runs it in the afternoon.  I have them turn up the music louder near me.  The lights crisscross over the arrows and there are all kinds of distraction.  Great for working on concentration.  I also practice during times when they are doing maintenance of the house with saws or power tools.  

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