Well it started off just to say that I bowled my new high score last night in a friendly doubles league.
I bowled a 254, and it went something like this
X X X X X X X 9/ 8/ 9/9
30 60 90 120 150 179 199 216 235 254
I was so happy with this though I think the fact that I got 7 strikes in a row put me off for the last couple of frames.
And I did it with my new ball, a 15lb Brunswick Warp Zone.
The only thing is that I was using a different walk up at the time, where I start off of the boards, next to the seating, only one step off , but it just gives me longer strides, as I am 6'7". All I can say is that it just feels a bit more natural, and thats what Im after.
Anyway... anybody else do well over the last couple of days ?