Saw a post on pro shops and decided to rant! I have been bowling for too long and almost without exception ALL the "PRO" shops in my in the area of Troy Mich are completely unprofessional. Very recently i went to a shop and stood in front of this guy(who knew i was coming)for 15-20 minutes while he chatted on the phone. Over the years I've consistently encounered the following: shop full of locals or hangers on causing distraction and unnecessarily delay, pigeon holing your problem to get you out of there, NOT watching you bowl when recommending a ball, trying to sell you a high price ball you don't need, NOT listening to your problem or needs, and basically operated by unqualified, untrained people masking themselves as "PROS". The industry should REQUIRE a rigid qualification process to open up a shop yielding a license to operate. We would all be much better of for it. Whew I feel better Thanks for reading. What say you?