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Author Topic: "Pro" Shop Behavior Rant  (Read 5051 times)

the sleeze

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"Pro" Shop Behavior Rant
« on: July 21, 2009, 06:01:41 AM »
Saw a post on pro shops and decided to rant! I have been bowling for too long and almost without exception ALL the "PRO" shops in my in the area of Troy Mich are completely unprofessional. Very recently i went to a shop and stood in front of this guy(who knew i was coming)for 15-20 minutes while he chatted on the phone. Over the years I've consistently encounered the following: shop full of locals or hangers on causing distraction and unnecessarily delay, pigeon holing your problem to get you out of there, NOT watching you bowl when recommending a ball, trying to sell you a high price ball you don't need, NOT listening to your problem or needs, and basically operated by unqualified, untrained people masking themselves as "PROS". The industry should REQUIRE a rigid qualification process to open up a shop yielding a license to operate. We would all be much better of for it. Whew I feel better Thanks for reading. What say you?



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Re: "Pro" Shop Behavior Rant
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2009, 11:15:14 PM »
Nose--noone suggested that he not answer the phone-can't you read.  Just get
a number and call back if the in store customer were first.  Secondly, you
have way too many probablys when you actually don't know what happened in the
specific situation.

six pack

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Re: "Pro" Shop Behavior Rant
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2009, 06:26:53 AM »
I remember a shop I used to go to before I knew any better that would pull that "your ball is drilled wrong" stunt.he never did it to me because he drilled all my stuff back then. BUT I had a ball drilled by this guy for my wife and my brother had one done too.they came back later on for adjustments and this guy told them both that the ball was drilled wrong.should of seen the look on his face when I told him "Dude,You drilled it."
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Re: "Pro" Shop Behavior Rant
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2009, 07:39:46 AM »
We get the folks who like to stop in and shoot the breeze for a minute or talk the "game". The majority of them know the customers come first unless we were working on there gear already.

I always excuse myself to answer the phone since we do book lessons quite a bit. We are also located within 4-5 miles of 3 other centers, a Sports Authority and an old Galyans sport shop. We get calls all the time wanting our business hours and our blank drilling prices.

I would get killed by our shop owner if I just let those go to voicemail plus customers in the store would see that as how we treat all of our customers.

Word of mouth can be fatal in this business.
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: "Pro" Shop Behavior Rant
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2009, 08:03:37 AM »
I agree. I opened up a Pro Shop about three years ago and, decided to put a slogan that alot of proshops here do not do. We Work for you. I see to many Pro Shops around here not taking time with the customer and work with him. I had a guy come in from another Pro shop that said he needed a Dimension. I went and watched him throw a couple games and saked what he wanted it to do and sold him a Rapid Fire Pearl. He raised his average 19 pins in the fall league and now carrys over a 210 average. I have always thought Pro Shops are only open cause of the bowlers not for socializing.
It is never the balls fault but the person throwing it.